IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:郑晴
Nowadays, people get information through news and papers, but meanwhile are uncertain about the truth of these news. Should we believe the journalists? What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have?
1. 你看新闻和报纸时,相信上面所有的信息吗?为什么?
回答: it depends,I believe the news that was report on the famous magazines and newspaper most of time.However,I don't always believe the news online or in small prints
2. 有的报道会迷惑人吗,比如?
回答: I think so, some reporter may play tricks in order to get more readers. For example,people have interest of the news that David Beckham dines with blonde.
3. 造成错误报道的原因是什么?
回答: first of all, the reporter wants to be successful,has more readers. secondly, the publisher wants more attentions so that he can have more sales on his prints. Thirdly,people may have great interest in some topics.
4. 你有没有崇拜的记者?他/她的哪些方面吸引了你?
回答: My Favorited journalist is Mr Tang Shi Zeng, he is a famous journalist in China, he travels around the world,even went to the most dangerous places,such as battles, to attain the latest and true news. His articles and photos are touched.
5. 媒体界的反面例子反应出相关工作人员应该具备怎样的素质?
回答: As a good journalist or correspondent , he should love his job,has sense of mercy and love, being sensitive, has passion of life, dare to reveal the truth to the world,
There are so much uncertain news nowadays. Do you still believe the information from the news and papers?For me , I'd rather to believe the news that is reported on the magazines and newspaper which have good reputations most of time, since their journalists are more professional.However, in some small publish company, in order to have more readers and more sales, staff do some exaggeration on the news to catch people's attention. Although it does not happened all the time.For example, readers always have curiousness on the famous people's privacy, so if the journalists have some unique news about them, they can easily catch most people's eyesight.In my opinion,as a good journalist or correspondent , he should love his job,has sense of mercy and love, being sensitive, has passion of life, dare to reveal the truth to the world.Such as my Favorited journalist Mr Tang Shi Zeng.he is a famous journalist in China, he travels around the world,even went to the most dangerous places,such as battles, to attain the latest and true news. His articles and photos are touched.To be honest, it is difficult to ban the false news, what we can do is pressed by public opinions, and to train the  journalists and correspondents to be more responsible and professional.After all, news and papers are two important ways for us to attain the new information.
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