TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:SuNnnn
We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.
1. 你有工作经验吗?是什么样的工作?
回答: 有,在文艺晚会上和幕后工作人员一起布置舞台,准备一场演出
2. 你觉得你和同事相处得愉快吗?你们是怎么相处的?
回答: 很愉快,平常首先各自完成分内的事,有能帮到忙得地方都会努力去帮。平常也会一起聊天吃饭联络感情。
3. 你自己或是身边有人跟同事相处不好,一般都是什么原因引起的呢?
回答: 内向,自私,不靠谱,不够真诚。例如一些算计,还有不守承诺,不够合群等。
4. 要是工作上遇到困难,而且跟同事有关,你会以什么样的态度和方法去解决呢?
回答: 想尽办法克服,找别人帮忙也好。如果实在心有余而力不足,我会对当事人表示万分抱歉,并在事后努力去弥补,挽回。
5. 要想跟同事一起很好的完成某项工作,你觉得自己应该具备哪些重要特质?
回答: 首先,熟练的技能是必须得。但我觉得比熟练更重要的是真诚和热情,没有人一开始就是老手,每一步都是一点一滴学习和实践得来的。我有擅长的地方,我会起引导作用,让同事工作起来觉得轻松而不是困难。如果这方面是我不擅长的,我会悉心请教同事,并从旁协助。我觉得特别必要的一点是,在一项合作之中认清自己所处的位置,然后无论何时都保持着你的真诚与热情。
 Everyone should work with others during his life which will enriches his life and makes him met a large mounts of friends. As you know, we certainly will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. But how can you be a lovely man who everybody thinks you are the best and tends working with you? 
In my opinion, you must be enthusiastic, sincere, responsible and honor if you want to be a noticble  outstanding co-worker.
When I was in Grade 3, I have participated a concert as a behind-the-scene. The schoolmates here were considerately unfamiliar each other since they were the volunteers who devioded by school. Actually, we were all friends after the concert. What happened? First day, we felt not only helpless but also hopeless when a horrible mounts of copes for performance were sent to the theatre.Our leader teacher ordered us to unbulked the copes who twist together. Can you imagine the sight that many students sitted on the floor, one took the beginner of the cope another took terminal, had constantly casting off the copes until we completed 4 hours later. After the dramatic task we understood, responsible and honor serve as ethusiastic and sincere, they play the remarkble same important roles in the co-operate. Ultimately, we suffered the highly praising from our leader teacher. In next workdays, we helped each other and chatted, had fun, learned and praticed, we got acquaintance quickly.
Last term I had written a critic literature with my groups which was hard to connect because some in the lower Grade than I. One day a girl were absent at the time we arranged a discussion, we couldn't find her by cell phone, twitter and facebook. Unfortunely, the division of task disappeared with the disappeared girl's wind. Subsequently the girl asked I why she hadn't work to do, I really didn't know how to due it.   
A sentence says: the single cope is much easier to bend than the twist one.What union is strength!
Moreover, if you can't be ethusiastic and earnest, you will not be a pleasant co-worker who hope to operate with. No one will aid you after you reject their require and you have to be a single hero. Farther, once you failed in task, without helpness, sympathy and frienly, you only have one way to go---get up and go out of  here!
That all my viewpoint! To be an extraordinary excellent co-worker, to be a superman with enthusiastic, genuine, conscientious and have sense of group honor! To be Number one!
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