TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Ilovebb
【IBT机经-14】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends?
1. 在你看来,老朋友之间的感情是怎样的?这种感情是否会随着时间空间的变化而减弱吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不会想起,也不会忘记。我离开家乡上大学三年了,每次回家见到以前的朋友,都热烈的聊起来,共同话题根本没有改变,反而见更多市面,觉得还是老朋友好,感情都变好了。
2. 即使搬到一个新的地方,老朋友一定会丧失吗?有没有什么方式和他们依然保持联系?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不会,现在又社交网络,我和我老朋友常用微波,威信联系,有很多不知道怎么跟现在朋友讲的事情,老朋友最了解你,你也最信任,也非常想念他们
3. 请结合具体事例简述,在一个新的地方,难免会认识到新的朋友,扩大你的交际圈,你觉得这是一件好事还是坏事?
回答: 是好事,去新的地方上学或者搬家,是要有新的朋友,可以扩展视野,丰富业余生活,锻炼自己的社交能力,也会从新朋友身上学到更多的东西。
4. 请结合实际简述,新的城市或国家会给你带来什么新的东西?
回答: 新的文化生活方式,也可能是知识,阅历,更好的发展机会。
5. 你觉得个人发展和友情,哪个对你来说更重要?请结合实际简述。
回答: 个人发展。我希望通过我的努力可以实现我的人生理想,我的朋友一定也支持我这样做,如果不支持,人生目标不一样也很难长远的做朋友。如果是我我也会支持我的朋友寻求自己更好的发展。
10:36On the topic whether move to a new place, some people claim that you may lose friends if you move. However, as far as I am concerned, you need to move if it is necessary.
Firstly, true friendship will not fade because of space or distance. Old friends trust each other, sharing their childhood memory, and having same values. Although they separate, they always have common topics because of similar background. For example, the great biologist Thomas Granger and the American archaeologist Sam Cooper were best friend in their childhood. Mr. Granger moved to another country because of doing research, while Mr. Cooper continued his study in  America. Since they separated, the two genius associate with letters for thirty years until they met each other again after the World War. They had a strong friendship which was not affect by distance and time. 
Secondly, soul mates encourage each other accomplish their dreams. We work hard for ourselves and people we loved. Frankly, when people are lost, it is people's friends encouraged them to persist on their dream. For instance, the celebrate pianist Yundi was not addicted to piano all along. When Yundi was ten years old, he moved from Sichuan Province to Guangdong province with his master. So he leave his best friend Dage in that year. Yundi became anxious when he was sixteen, so that he wanted to give up on piano. He called his old friend Dage, who persuade Yundi to continue piano for five more years. Dage's encourage helping Yundi through the challenge, which made one of the best pianist in the world. 
Thirdly, moving will bring new friends. Step out of comfort zone is a good way to make new friends. In the same time, people have chance to learn different culture, life style, and broad their eyes. For example, I made lots of friends after I went to college in another city. In the Student Union, I accomplished different tasks with people who became my good friends. 
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