TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:anne_oh
Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.
1. 如何定义高薪与低薪?
回答: 高薪: 日常开销之后仍然有大量余额,可以保证高品质的生活 底薪: 工资不足以或刚刚足以维持日常开销
2. 薪酬对于生活的重要性体现在哪些方面?
回答: 保证生活质量,足够的钱来satisfy some desire, 赡养父母,甚至还可以帮助一些有需要的人
3. 薪资的高低对你与家人和朋友之间的关系有没有影响?
回答: 影响不大,因为维持家人与朋友之间最重要的是亲情和友情,只要真诚相待就可以。 但是有钱可以给家人更好的生活,可以给朋友更好的礼物,属于锦上添花。
4. 与家人朋友沟通的重要性体现在哪些方面?
回答: 沟通可以增进人与人之间的情感, 对于家人来说,多沟通可以促进相互信任,家人会知道我在工作和生活中遇到的困难,可以提供帮助和安慰。 朋友,同样促使大家相互信任,相互帮助,朋友还会督促改正缺点。。
5. 人们应该通过什么方法来平衡收入与业余时间?
回答: 提高工作效率,增强个人能力,尽可能的高效完成工作。 珍惜时间,有空常陪伴家人,多参加朋友聚会,
Having a high-pay job but with limited recreational time or choosing a low-pay job but have more free time have caused heated debate  for a long time. Some people maintain that people need to earn more money to have a high quality life, but some people think family and friend is more important than earn money. In my opinion, I will prefer to choose the first kind of job, high salary could ensure my family a better live, and parents and true friends can really understand you with your career.First of all, a big salary is necessary to ensure a high quality life, only with enough money, people can finish many desires. Just like one can have a good diet, can meet the needs of parents, can give big surprises to friends, ect. There is an old saying-- money is not everything, but one cannot live without money. There must some truth in it.  On the other hand, with more money, people could help those who need help. We know a number people are in poverty, and they need money to treat the illness, to feed themselves, and to take school. Therefore, if a person have a chance to earn more money, just do it, the more contribution people make, the more happiness they will have. Second, a rigorous person will always make schedules for themselves, and can work with high efficiency, so even they are very busy, they still have enough time to company their family and friends. For example, my uncle, who is the boss of a medical company, are always very busy, he need to administrate a whole company, so he has little personal time. However, on his schedule, there are several blanks, which he used to company his family. No matter what happened on those times, he will put them aside, and continue his vocation with his parents and wife. Besides, a good communication can have a effect of increasing the relationship between family members and enhance the friendships, this will not need so much time, may be just a meal time can reach a good effect. Hence, a genuine feeling will not change over time, and people who really loves you will always love you.However, although there are some disadvantages of  having such kind of jobs,  such as people may suffer the heavy burdens and become sickness,  and there are more and more young people died because of too tired. I still think people need to bear such pressure, with pressure, one can grow faster and mature quicly. At the same time, everyone need to take a good care of oneself, being healthy is the most important. So, from the former discuss, I think people need to improve oneself and try to ear more money to give the family a good life, and make more contribute to the whole society.
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