TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:anne_oh
【IBT机经-30】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Most people can solve the important problem in their lives by themselves or help from their families; help from the government is often not necessary.
1. 政府是一个什么样的机构?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 管理公共设施 制定经济政策 相关法律法规 保证政策的社会秩序
2. 政府一般都提供什么样的服务,这些服务能否靠自己和家人完成?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 经济 政治 环境 教育等各方面 不能 经济方面, 如果经济发展较慢,政府会采取措施促进经济发展,过快, 政府也会调控 环境方面, 人类过度发展导致环境恶化,单靠个人不可能进行环境的修复 教育方面, 政府建立各类学校,学生九年制义务教育等,保证孩子有学上 能够接受好的教育
3. 一般来讲,自己和家人都能解决什么样的问题?这些问题是否有必要寻求政府的帮助?请结合实际简述。
回答: 个人问题 生活问题 比如决定去哪上学 找什么工作 在哪买房 等等 这些问题如果需要政府的帮助 政府不累死了
4. 如何把握政府提供的服务的程度,是帮助大家越多越好,还是越少越好?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 政府需要保障人民的最低生活水平,帮助治理环境,为人们提供足够的工作岗位,提供更好的教育,等等。 但是个人的生活选择问题, 希望人们可以自由选择
5. 这个社会能脱离政府而存在吗?如果脱离了会怎样?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不能。没有了政府,社会会陷入极大的混乱。 例如经济没有调控,会产生许多不良的后果。 没有法律和警察管理社会秩序等 各行各业陷入极大混乱,人民矛盾上升等等 例如中东地区,没有具体政府来管理,国家极度混乱,人民流离失所,无法保证最基本的生活质量。
It seems like nowadays people make decisions mainly by themselves and the government doesn't play any significant role in people's daily life. However, without contributions of the government, the society will be thrown into chaotic and people will have a miserable lives.First of  all, the government is an indispensible organization which guarantee the normal operation of society. The survices provided by the government involve economic, politic, education, environment, ect. It seems like no matter in which aspect of our life, the government is always the key point. For example, in financical terms, it is necessary for the government to proceed macroscopic guide, like the financial crisis in 2008, with the effective control of the government,  our nation avoid the economic depression and high unemployment rate.  Besides, the development of education is mainly rely on the government, since it is the education department invest most schools, so we can have the opportunities to receive the so many educational resources. Also, the public constructions, environmental problems and so forth, which all need the government to get them down. Secondly, nobody can deny that individuals can solve most personal problems, but such kind of problems are always related to their daily lives, such as buy the house, go to school,  find jobs and so on. On such points, it is personal perferences which determin the consequences, and the government can not foce anyone to do anything. On the other hand, what the government do for people is just provide a peaceful environment and fully development institutes which people can make freely choices and can be treated equally. For example, government tries hard to enlarge educational investment, and ensure the fairness in education, while for an individual, he just need to make a decision of which universities to go based on their personalities. In the end, if a nation has no stable government to control everything, it will be a disaster for their peole. Such as the Iraq and other similar countries, which several so-called governments fight against each other, and their people become destitude and homeless, let alone make personal choices. Therefore, it just seems like the government is unnecessary in our daily life, actually, it really counts for so much.
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