TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:anne_oh
【IBT机经-62】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.
1. 评判一个人幸福与否的重要标准是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: happy, relax, feel free, no much pressure
2. 一份好工作会给人们带来哪些好处?这些好处会影响到一个人的幸福感吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: earn money, increasing the sense of achievement improve personal ability
3. 幸福能否可以被金钱换来?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: sometimes can, but not always can. a friend buy you a present which you have dreamt for a long time.
4. 社交生活都包括哪些内容?这些内容会对一个人的幸福感起到哪些影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: take part in some parties, join clubs, travel
5. 如果和亲人朋友共同相处属于社交生活的一部分,那么这会如何影响人们的幸福指数呢?请结合具体事例简述。
Nowadays, jobs and social life have become two indispensible elements that no body could turn away from. Some people think social community could provide more happiness for them since they got too much pressure in their job. However, work is a way of life, a mental challenge, and an emotional involvement. It helps a person find a meaning in life and a way to enhance his/her self-worth. So, I think work can effect on people's happiness more.First of all, people need to realize that he is not just keeping the livelihood of his family, he also make contributes to the whole society. A good job provide people high financial rewards, which can compensate the lost time which they dedicated to the work. For example, when people have a vocation, they can spend much time with their family, friends, they can travel around the world, they can make surprises to their lover, buy presents to their parents and children and so on. Without job, that means people has no income, so they can not enjoy the material life, let alone happiness. Besides, I am not saying that only money can bring happiness, or only material life can, but I mean with these things, people can live a high quality life, and when people need not to worry about the normal spending, they will care more about what they really need, what will bring them truly happiness. Furthermore, a good job can also bring people high status, social respect and personal esteem. Having contributions to the society are most significant thing which I believe people will feel happiness from this most. Such as David Beckham, who once was the England football team captain, and he is a one of the greatest football players, he is the hero in football history, he did all he could for his teams, that's why he is honored and loved, even today, there are still millions of people feel proud of him and like him. His career bring him huge amount of glory and I believe he is happy. This is the work bring for people. Therefore, I think the work can indeed promote personal self-worth, and encourage them to do better. So, a good job can take people a sense of accomplishment, there is no doubt.Although sometimes people will feel pressure from the work, and they may feel tired and negative. But I think no stress, no progress. Great pressure can inspire more potential, to make people achieve more success. Hence, based on the discussion above, I think to work is human need and unique human characteristic, from it, people can indeed feel more happiness.
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