TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:shenhaow
【IBT机经-28】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more important to choose friends that more capable of having fun with than to choose friends that will help you when you need them.
1. 交朋友有什么原则吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 我认为取决于朋友的人格特征,如果是非常可靠,善良,有才干的人,则应该成为朋友。
2. 你觉得两个人成为朋友的原因有哪些?请结合实际简述。
回答: 共同克服困难;比如以前我不能理解课程,就会去问助教各种问题,助教的热心帮助使得我觉得我不是一个人在战斗,所以就成为朋友了。或者比如球场上的朋友,如果要赢得比赛,踢得时间长了,也自然就可以成为朋友。
3. 你认为真正意义上的朋友会是什么样的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 能够理解我;理解我的辛苦和焦虑,并且能够分享快乐和幸福的人。比如,我和女友分手,就会找朋友聊天,这个时候好的朋友是能够feel emphatic对于我的感觉,并且通过讨论帮助我消除沮丧的感觉的。
4. 俗话说,患难见真情,在你需要时能够及时出现在你面前给予你帮助的人才是你的真正朋友,你觉得这句话对吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不一定对,患难的时候有人的帮助可能是谋求回报的,不一定是基于友情的行为。比如创业者如果不顺利,很有可能需要基金公司的融资帮助,基金公司可能会帮忙,如果帮忙,条件往往严苛,这种就是纯粹的市场行为,未来会收取相应的回报,和友情不同
5. 能够陪你一起玩儿和能给予你帮助,这两种朋友,你会选择哪一种?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我会选择能够给我帮助的
We may often be bothered with the isse that how to select a friend and what are appropriate criteria to assess the reliability of a friend. Several potential criteria include the ability to amuse you, to perceive your sorrow and share it, or to help you when you are beset with difficulties. I would argue the most significant criterion is that he/she stands by your side when even all the others abandon you.

Hardship is often a good opportunity for us to establish new friendship; everyone must have a similar experience that a group may forge strong friendship if they are facing a difficulty together. For example, I joined the men's soccer team in the college, and we had to confront many disturbing and challenging conditions which we share similar aspiration to overcome. In doing so, a quiet reliable friendship was forged during those matches. In a word, hardship functions as an opportunity to establish new friendship.

The maintenance of a friendship requires the empathy between the two persons. Unless my friend can understand my sorrow and be able to help me relieve it, I won't treat him/her as my friend. Events always act as a determinant to help distinguish between good friends and other guys. When I broke up with my girlfriend, my friends are those who can understand my sorrow and help comfort me. Otherwise the friendship is hard to continue.

But we cannot take this argument to extreme: all of our friends should play quite distinct roles in our life, and the criteira of reliving me when I face hardship may not be the only factor in this issue. Some people who are quite amusing but not able to perceive others' feelings and the atmosphere may not be seen as the type of friend with whom you should share all your emotions, but it doesn't necessarily mean they are not your good friends.

In general, I prefer a friend who can help me when I am entangled in hardship, but we also should take different types of friendship and people's distinct characters into consideration. Our friends should also be diversified to minimize the risk as we always do in our investment.

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