TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:shenhaow
【IBT机经-3】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Two people can still be good friends if one of them has more money than the other?
题目讨论的是关于友谊的问题,即“经济条件的差异是否会成为友情的障碍“。题目的前提是”其中一方更富有“,给出的判断是”经济条件的差异是不会影响两人的朋友关系“。生活中,关于友情的具体事例不少,分析题目和拓展写作思路时应该注意以下3点:1、明确自己的观点,到底是同意还是不同意;2、切忌脱离了题目的前提是” 其中一方更富有“;3、思考影响友情的因素有哪些。
1. 两个人成为好朋友需要哪些条件?你觉得哪些条件比较重要?经济条件是否是一条重要因素?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有同样的价值观;有相似的兴趣和关注点;但是保持差异能够给互相以启迪。经济是一条因素,因为经济条件相似有可能会有相似的价值观。
2. 经济条件相仿会对两人的友谊起到什么作用?是助推作用,还是阻碍作用?请结合实例简述。
回答: 经济条件相仿应该会对友谊有帮助,比如一起吃饭旅行的时候,花费都可以各自承受得起,这样就创造了交流的必要条件。
3. 经济条件不同是否会对两人的友谊起作用?如果不是,为什么?如果是,怎么影响?请结合实例简述。
回答: 可能会起作用,我认为这一点取决于视角,如果两个人认为经济相当是很重要的,就可能有反面作用。但是并不一定,C:马克思和恩格斯(这个老案例。。。)
4. 即使经济条件不同会影响到两人的友谊,倘若两人仍然是好朋友,那会是什么在维持这段友情呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 我认为兴趣、价值观等是一个重要方面。比如Hayek和凯恩斯,这个时候关键并不是经济条件的不同,甚至观点都是完全相反的,但是他们有共同的研究对象,有执着的精神,所以经济条件根本不是在这个友谊中的variable。
5. 思考现实生活和社会历史中,哪些人们的友情是超越金钱的?哪些人的友情是被金钱打败的?请结合实例简述。
回答: 不知道案例。。。抱歉!
Is the similarity of economic condition one factor on friendship? My answer is a "Yes". Those people who have similar wealth usually share their lifestyle and ideology, which may contribute to the establishment and maintenance of their friendship, although we also need to keep in mind that the shared economic condition is not the only determinant in this issue.

The establishment of friendship often relies on people's similar lifestyle. People often need an opportunity to start forging their friendship, and this often happens if they fall into the same social category. It is highly possible that the people who have similar money go to the same bar and start talking, as opposed to the people who have different wealth. For instance, middle-class workers must go to different places for entertainment from the low-class ones, reducing the probability of creating friendship between the two classes.

Another issue associated to the similar economic condition is the fact that people who are similarly wealthy often share similar ideology and interests. As we all know, it is tough to remove the predetermined prejudice and hostility between different social groups, and even worse, they often don't try to suspend the hostility because the expression of the ideas acknowledged by their group can enhance their identity. To narrow the gap between disparage ideas is not as simple as we might suppose. For instance, middle-class people often have an interest in the value of historical heritage, while low-class people may barely have the energy to feed themselves; therefore, beyond any doubt they cannot create a conversation around either how to travel or how to survive if the two types of people meet on occasions. They don't share their interests.

But I am not arguing that the similarity of economic condition is the only variable in this issue. Obviously we are aware of many commonsense and famous cases in which a wealthy person and a poor one forge a sound friendship because of their shared ideology or interests. We can take two economists as an example: when Coase first arrived at the USA, he was very poor because he didn't have a official PHD degree for the application of any faculty position in the US, but Friedman, who was a prestigious economist at that time, knew the Coase's ability and they were quite great friends. The reason is that they shared a similar focus and they both appreciated the counterpart's argument even though their opinions often conflict with each other.

In conclusion, similar economic condition is an important facter in terms of the establishment and maintenance of friendship, but it shouldn't be seen as the determinant of this issue.

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