TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:shenhaow
【IBT机经-31】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what is like before.
1. 现如今的时代特点是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 当代世界:市场经济,交易快捷,网络互联,法制社会,高度聚合,家庭尺度变小,血缘地缘关系减弱。
2. 这些时代特点是如何影响现代家庭的?现代家庭有哪些特点?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 现代家庭的尺度变小了,子女的数量变少了。比如古代大家庭,可以有很多孩子,现在在城里,孩子数量一般很有限制,并且家庭中职能也有变化,女人更加独立。
3. 一个人成功都需要哪些方面的条件?请结合实际简述。
回答: 成功需要:合适的社会背景,个人的努力,与人交往的能力等等。比如成功的企业家都异常努力,并且擅长network,敢于拼搏。
4. 现代家庭能够提供给人们哪些成功所需的条件?请结合实际简述。
回答: 现代家庭由于孩子数量减少,所以更加看重这个孩子的成长,因此会投入更多的教育资源、人力资源,并且要求孩子有更多的努力,这些都可以驱使孩子更加成功。C:中国使用独生子女的政策,所以父母和所有祖先的寄托就是家中的一个孩子,在这个情况下,孩子身上可能被提供所有家中的收入来提供更好的教育。
5. 请结合实际谈谈在这些条件中,哪些是过去所不能提供的?请结合实际简述。
回答: 而且现在的层级流动比以前更加多,所以父母也可以给孩子有更多的network的帮助,过去的阶级非常严格,不同classes之间的network是非常少的。
Do contemporary children have a higher possibility to gain help from their families in comparison to their ancient counterpart? In general, the contemporary society features a smaller scale of family, less children and higher mobility of different social classes, therefore, the help from families is easily accessible to the children.

The typical structure of a modern family is composed of/consists of parents and one child or two children. With fewer children in each family, the parents and grandparents often have very high expectation of the next generation, thus concentrating enormous resources on their children. Those inputs can often generate an output which may accord with parents' intention that the child can successfully adapt to the society and acquire many material gains. This is quite common in China: after China brought into effect the one-child policy, parents' awareness that the child is the only hope for their next generation causes severely keen competition among the children. Besides ordinary education, the children have to take more instructions after class. When the children receive a huge amount of resources in the society, the probability that they can achieve success becomes higher.

Another reason lies in the contemporarily high mobility among social classes. In stark contrast to the fact that social elites and common people usually had no marriage several hundred years ago, a modern society becomes more open and equal as its communication and information exchange become rapid and widespread. In this circumstance, each family, especially in a low class, can seek more opportunities for their children because they are no longer obstructed by the gaps between different social classes. The children can forge a more powerful network which contributes to their success in the future.

But a mild modification is still imperative that the inputs into the children may create a prisoner's dillema that nobody can change their order in the society when every single parent invest more in their children equally. Presumably the social rank of one child accounts for people's judgment about success, and one parent can win the game unless all the other parents stop investing into their children.

In conclusion, the argument that the poor children may have a brighter career prospect in the modern society than before, at least to the extent of freely pursuing a career and owning the opportunities to climb up the corporate ladder, seems fair, for they can receive more resources from their family and society.
(In conclusion, contemporary children have more opportunities to bring their potential talents into full play, for more resources are provided from their family. And a reasonable inference is that poor children.) But the issue is still complex, the help from a family is definitely not the only variable that has influence on the success.
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