TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Sta.Jinda
【IBT机经-10】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.
1. 请结合实际谈谈错误分哪几种?犯错对于人们成长的重要意义是什么?
回答: 错误:1.小错误,一般都是日常生活学习中的小错误,比如抄作业?2.严重的错误:涉及到人身安全,价值观等原则性问题,比如抢劫 犯错的意义:知错就改,善莫大焉
2. 请结合具体事例谈谈孩子们通过犯错可以吸取哪些教训?这些教训对于他们起到哪些作用?
回答: 错误:经常偷懒抄作业 教训:考试成绩糟糕,无法完成学业 作用:明白只有付出才会有收获,投机取巧难成大事
3. 在什么情况下,孩子们犯错是可以被接受的?在什么情况下,是不能被接受的,为什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 1.可接受情况:抄作业,这是懒惰投机的表现,当认识到这样做的后果和不利影响就会改正。 2.不可接受:抢劫,这涉及到人身安全和价值观问题,很属于违法犯罪。
4. 有没有哪些东西是可以不用犯错就能学到的?请举例说明。
回答: 乱扔垃圾之类的道德观念,日常生活宣传就能够让孩子们意识到
5. 请结合具体事例简述家长应该如何在孩子们犯错和吸取教训的过程中正确发挥引导的作用?
回答: 发现孩子抄作业导致成绩糟糕,可以严厉的批评但是不该打骂,应该让他认识到这样做的后果投机取巧不会成功和如果不改正以后的影响:一事无成。
Now more and more people began to care about their children's education. One of the most important problem is how to deal with the mistakes made by children and how to correct. To err is human, I think it is allowable that children make some mistakes.
Most of parents have their jobs and they can not supervise their children all days. Moreover, children usually make mistakes by accident.In fact,it is hard to avoid children to make mistakes ,such as they will copy the homework of their classmates for saving time to play computer games, throw garbage anywhere because it is bothersome to find a garbage can, or skip classes to play basketball. Children always make these ordinary mistake.
The key point is how to correct. At lots of times, telling may not let children deeply understand why not to do those things, but as personal experience, mistakes and consequence to themselves can give them a good lesson. For example, when parents ask children not to copy homework, children just think that is convenient. But copying homework  causes failing the exam, they can know it is terrible.Then parents tell them the disadvantages of copying homework and deeply teach their children that opportunism including copying others' works only makes them be good for nothing.
When it comes to  human and society safety, values and personal principle,some faults can not correct after they happened. Maybe children will rob classmates or junior schoolmates because they just think it is cool and exciting,but they don not know they have already broken the law. When they fight with each other,  it also hurts their and classmates' safety because they usually use cutter to threaten.When I was a kid, bloody incident sometimes took place among high students  because of robbing in our school.
Some serious faults must be controlled by education and publicity. Most of mistakes of life made by children can give them a profound lesson, and they always can draw inference to know more points.
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