GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:firefly_545
Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society.
1. 对于你所处的社会环境,什么事是有利的,什么又是不利的?请举例并简述。
回答: promoting our growth in our society is favorable, for example, education makes our think critically and independently and makes us learn to cooperate with others and be obedience to rules, family give us a comfortable habor and shelter; impeding our growth is not favorable and beneficial ,for example, placing too much on cooperation,we may be extremely rely on other members of our team and individual could confront with the fierce competition;
2. 竞争都存在于社会生活、发展的哪些方面?请举例并简述。
回答: during the development of children, including peer competition, which arise from the performance on academic area, family pressure and social stress. durinng the growth of economic area, including the survival and promotion of individuals , fiercely competing with other entrepreneurs and the prosperity of countries ,
3. 在经济、商业、法律、政治、体育、教育、文艺、生物等领域,过去的竞争产生过什么样的结果?可分别举例说明。
回答: rational competition in the realm of economics and business, to some extent increase the people's living standard and promote the development of society and human beens. in politic area, two parties in one country competing for sovereignty could promote the democratic of the country,they could , at least on the surface, stand for people's right and take the respontibility for our citizens. in biological research realm, by discussing the hot research, those who adapte to this mechanism could be elite in our comtemporary society,
4. 如果社会上没有了竞争机制,会产生什么结果?相反过度扩大竞争机制的后果会是怎样的?
回答: without the mechnism of competition, although individual may be improve our society and make our world a better place because of the curiosity, which is one of the most valuable natures of human beens, human society could not advance so rapidly and efficiently, overcompetition is a mechanism that people are placing too much emphsise on competition ,which could lead to more pressure during people
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