GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:firefly_545
We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.
1. 描述一件你通过别人学习到的事情或者东西,在这个学习过程中,这个人的观点和你一致还是不一致?
回答: gRE,准备作文的过程,自己思考的过程,刚开始观点不一样,后来重新认识。
2. 你经常和人交流么?在交流过程中是否会有争论?在争论中,你学到了什么东西?请举例说明。
回答: 会有争论,站在对方的立场思考,可能会使问题看得更全面。自己一个人的阅历及知识是有限的,会和他人的互补。
3. 如果有人和你因为某个问题发生分歧,你会感觉到有压力么?这种压力带给你了什么?请举例说明。
回答: 会有,压力带给我再重新思考,
4. 在讨论中,所有人意见一致有什么好处?有什么不好的地方?请举例说明。
回答: 意见一致,就是目标方向一致,可以高效的结束。或将目标付诸实施。不好之处,可能会忽略一些问题。
5. 在讨论中如果出现了意见不一致的情况,有什么好处?有什么不好的地方?请举例说明,
回答: 不一致,人和人的看问题的角度不同,立场不同,涉及利益不同,就会意见分歧,如,COpenhagen 会议,不一致,就需要进一步讨论,达到共存,追后达到一致,
the speaker contend that because disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning, people usually learn much more from people whoes have the same standing or similar interest than frrom people views contradict; however, whether the different views are beneficial to our discussion depends on how could we confront the pressure which arises from the disagreement of discussion.
There is no doubt that we could get along with others whose views we share becuse we could have the hamounious atmosphere to discuss the same topic based on the simiar interest and standing, when we have the similar or even same standing, people always could make a agreement on the problem, even if it is a controversial question, could we get something when we share views, undoubtedly, when we share the same views on the question, we could communicate with each others in the harmonious atmosphere of discussion, and because of this, people could arrive at the same destination efficiently.However, few of us take the pains to study our estabished conviction, indeed, we always have the natural repugnance to doing so. After all, only if people would have shared views each other, their perspective would be consticted in some particular areas.
Furthermore, when people have the distinctive perspectives and standing, their always could go on thinking and exploring more information to sovle the controversy and to support their own ideas, because of this, the controversy could be discussed more deeply in multiple perspective and standing, for instant, there is a prominent creative research team in our university, the leader always ecourage members to express their different opinions on their academic subject during their seminar, but he also posits that when members have differnt ideas, their need to support their ideas by collecting more material and information on the same subject, what's the advantage of their seminar every week, from my perspective their could think and explore the same subject in different standing and views, by doing this, their perspective could be more multiple and deeply, so they could sovle the problem by thinking critically from the entire perspective.
In fact, human been could know the world by controversy and then arrive at the common destinaton, and the process of knowing the world is to express the different ideas and perspectives, and then find out the disparity and creativity , finally people could make a agreement on the same topic which were originally controversial, such as THe Copenhagen weather conference, the different countries have the distinctive perspective onthe decreasing the amount of emitting CO2 based on their own interest, by further discussion and conciliationm finally the countries could make a agreenment on dealing with the climate change.
TO sum up, admittedly, we could confront the pressure which arises from the different views on the same topic when people are attempting to explore the right anwser, when we make full use of the pressur to further explore unknown world, and finally when we arrive at the common destination, we could find out the problem could be discussed and explored more deeply and multiple perspective.
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