TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:黄炜
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person's childhood years (the time from birth to twelve years of age) are the most important years of a person's life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 孩童时期有没有发生对你影响至深的事情?举例说明。
回答: 有。小学足球赛
2. 你是否觉得小时候的事情总是特别印象深刻?为什么?
回答: 是,因为那时候特别开心
3. 有人说孩童时期是身体发育的黄金时期,你认同吗?为什么?
回答: 同意。因为我在童年时特别喜欢体育运动,以至于现在身体都很好。
4. 你在孩童时期有没有遗憾?你觉得现在弥补还来得及吗?
With the growth of myself, the childhood memory is more and more clear in my mind. Not only my brain becomes stronger and stronger, but also it effects me deeply. Maybe some people think a person's childhood years are not the most important years of a person's life. But I firmly belive that the most important years of a person's life is childhood. The reason why I say this based on following aspects.
At the first place, childhood is the most important period of people growth. If a person have a strong body when he was a child, he will be more healthy than other people who was weak in children.Take me an example, I love playing football when I was a child. I also remeber that I always played football with my little friends every afternoon. I even found a foot ball team with them, in the team, I acted both a coach and a player. I builded my strong body during that time. So now I am still healthy and have little ill.  It is precisely because of activity frequently when I was a child, I am be a strong man now.
At the second place, childhood is the time when peole shaped the virtue. It decided virtue which a people with all life. During this period, if a children played and lived always with good guys, then he would also become the person as these good guys. for example, My brother, now is the class leader in his chlass, often cought fish with my uncle who always told us that people should help others who are in trouble and be a useful man when we grow up, directed by my uncle, my brother now become a helpful and kindness people. If my brother got together with bad boys evey day, I believe he must learn many drawbacks from them and maybe he became a useless people for society since then.
What is more, childhood years is the time when person's interest shaping, once a person was interesed in something, he will always research it all the time. There are many special  exampls for it, Bill Gates is the one. We all knoww Bill Gates is the famous people in computer area. He was interested in computer when he was a child, so he research computer all the time and then he wrote the most popular computer operation system--windows what every person are using, and the most famous software company called Microsoft was founded by him. These success all due to his childhood interest.
In despite of people also can do some efforts to change or fix some bads that took from childhood, it can not say childhood years are not the most important all the same. Above of all, even though some people disagree that a person's childhood years are the most important years of a person's life, I believe not more inportant years of a person's life than person's childhood yeats. Only catch the childhood yers,can people have a perfect life.
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