TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:黄炜
In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor) that a person can have to be successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer. When you write your answer, you are not limited to the examples listed in the question.
1. 想想有哪些成功人士具备你认为最重要的品质?这个品质对他们的成功起了怎么样的作用?
回答: 姚明,我的导师。刻苦努力增强自己的能力
2. 有哪些人是因为不具备你说的品质而失败了?描述一个具体的事例。
回答: 我一个大学同学,刚入学时学习成绩非常好,非常聪明,但是从大二以后就不努力学习,最后挂科导致无法保研
3. 这个品质是怎么改变人的?都改变了什么方面?
回答: 弥补先天的不足,用刻苦弥补智力的缺陷,用刻苦弥补接触同样一个事物晚而造成的落后
4. 具备你说的品质的人是否可以自然培养出其他优秀品质?为什么?
回答: 可以,锻炼出超强的意志力,刻苦是一个长时间的过程,在这个长时间的过程当中,坚强的意志力是必不可少的
Why some people can be success while some people are always failed? Compare with both of them, we can find some different characteristics from them. So what is the most important characteristic that a person can have to be successful in life? I think hard spirit is the most important characteristic a successful person has. Maybe some people don’t agree with me. I gave the reason why I support this is based on the following aspects.
 At the first place, there are many difficulties on the way be success. If a person gives up when he meets difficulties, how can he get the final success? He will ever be a loser whatever he own what other characteristics. For example, one of my classmates Jack who is very intelligent. He always understands what teachers tell us immediately and learn new things quickly. But he is not a successful people, he often retreats when he meets difficult. I remember once we took part in a computer program game. It is very difficulty for us. He gave up when he can not know it with out research it. So, in the end, he was one who got the least score. And crossing 5 day and night, I completed 8 difficult subjects and won the game. From Jack, we can consider that hard is the base of other characteristics a successful person should have.
Further more, hard spirit can make people who is not bright become intelligent. Why? Because when people are not studying, the not bright people are studying. So he get the knowledge bright people not. Maybe the not bright people understand a problem more slowly than smart people, but he can spend more time to understand the problem. He spend one more hour to understand a problem which a bright people has known, if he spend another one hour to study another problem which other people did not study, then he can become more intelligent than other people. Take Yoming an example, he become a NBA player because of his working hard. So if you have the spirit of hard spirit, it means you have the high intelligence.
 However, other characteristics are also important for a person be success. A smart person can spend other time on other things. And he can accept the new things easily. For example, Einstein is very bright as know, he invented many great things witch had changed people's life. But he worked also hard; he always worked for his invention without eating and sleeping day and night.
Above of all. I firmly believe hard spirit is the most important characteristic for people to be success, though other characteristics are also not shorted for. Only one people own the hard spirit first, can he be success with other characteristics.
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