GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
1. 对于社会和国家来说,教育的目标是什么(你所定义的目标不同,“有用”的概念就不同)?这个目标的制定需要考虑哪些因素?个人的需求和兴趣是否在这些因素之内?请举例说明。
回答: 教育的目的是培养建设国家的人才。这个目标的制定需要从两方面来考虑,教育对于一个人来说,目的是使其掌握能在社会上存活的技能,挖掘一个人的潜能。对于社会来说,教育的目的是为社会培养优秀的人才,推进社会的发展。个人的需求兴趣在教育中慢慢形成最终引导一个人追修自己的理想。
2. 你希望通过教育得到什么?其他人的想法和你的是否一致?如果不一致,教育如何才能满足大众的需求?请举例说明。
回答: 通过教育获得一门技能,掌握学习的方法,思考问题的逻辑,思路。使教育多元化,不仅有培养学术方面的人才,同时有专业技术方面的人才,面向用人单位需求的人才等
3. 教育按照对象不同可以分为哪些类别?这些类别的教育目标是否相同?如果不是,他们是否都需要考虑每一个学生的个人需求和兴趣?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 可以分为学术研究方面的,技术方面的,行政管理方面的等。学术研究方面的人才需要考虑学生的兴趣,而其他的更多的是考虑如何适应用如今社会目前的需求。
4. 教育按照不同的形式可以分为哪些类别?不同形式的教育是否都需要考虑每个学生的需求和兴趣?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 学校教育,家庭教育,社会教育。学校教育主要考虑的是学生的需求和兴趣。
5. 如果教育按照每个人的需求和兴趣来制定有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处是能更好的挖掘出一个的潜能,弊端是每个人感兴趣的东西都不一样需要投入大量的人力物力来满足的需求和兴趣,这些兴趣与社会进一步发展没有关联。
Education as an important thing occupies nearly one third of time in people's life. The school education almost takes the whole of it. The complication and variety of human's society lead such long time to cultivate a peopl. I basically agree with the contention of the speaker that eucation will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
Before we began to discuss we should firstly figure out the meaning of the effective to a education. In my opionion, the target of education is to satisfy the needs of society cultivating people to own the ability to get a job. Moreover the final purpose is to made people become a pulpusion promoting the deveopment of society. In some case, the individual needs indeed conincide with the one of society. Like finding a good job, devoting to the researsh of specific area, chanigng the present situation of enviroment, etc people always see those targets as there own needs of the career objective. Similarly, people's interesting is always environ with the problem and focus in today's society which may turn into their own occupation making a contribution to the world in the end. We cannot deny this education mode will bring a great benefits to the student who have their own ideal. They will gain more knowledge than the ordinary education could provide, with a  clear target this style of education will promote student to become a prominent people in their field. Take Bach for example, without the spercific training to his music talent he may never make such marvelous achievement in his life.
On the contrary, we should not overlook those people who still has not determine their own destination. And such people takes a big part in the whole society. For those people their needs and interesting is still obsur, and this kind of education seem lose its affect in that case. And there still exist some part of people whose need and interesting may be conficted to todeay's society needs----they want to do anything but hava a money to spend. Their needs of course is unable to be actualised by such education mode. As a result, this knid of education only suit the people who has a denfinite career target. Despite we exclude the various stituation of people such education mode is unable to actualize under present conditon. Every spercific designs stand for the huge amount of investment from the provison of teachers to the construction of facilities. What's more, since the education will be implements according to the student's own willingness, the teacher may always confront the situation that no student take his class according to the student's  personal designed education plan. All in all, the personal education mode is not a suitable way to forster a people for a school and for the society.
On the other hand, we should have the consciousnes that even though the school does not employ the personal education mode mentioned above, the student is able to satisfy their needs and interesting in the general education mode. Learning by themselves is a common way for those student to obtain the knowledge in their favorite field. Besides, sit in as anothor general way is accpeted in the whole school, there is no percitic restriciion to limit student taking class outside  their own classes. Even though such process may seems arduous, the reminder student will become more determined to his choise and has the large possibility to make a achievemnt in the future. From my point, the general education may may suitable to the personal education for today's society. Due to the rapid development of society, the education is unable to teache the whole knoweldge that a job is required. The job training is a necessary for a freshman to begine the work. The professional knowledge once taught is useless for its outdated, In that case, the basic knowledge becomes a vital part in taking those training. However most of the school put too mush attention on the professinal lesson, omiting the role for those basic knowledge. Hence for me, the effect way of education should be the one accentuate the teaching of major basic knowledge.
In the finall conclusion, the personal mode education is not an accetpted way to acctualise the education effective. Whereas the general education may have a better affect to the whole sutdent.
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