GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.
1. 你是否使用过摄像机来记录过某些生活中发生的事情?如果有,具体阐述一件。如果这件事用文字方式记录,你会怎么做?是否会更加容易或者更加困难?
回答: 使用摄像机记录可以将发生的整个过程以及当时的状态记录下来,而文字的记录很难让人身临其境的感觉当时的状况,无法还原当时的状况。在拍摄过程中加入的一些烘托气氛的手法也无法用文字表达出来。
2. 相比用文字记录,用影像资料来记录生活有什么优势?有什么劣势?尤其在精读和说服力方面有什么优劣势?请举例说明。
回答: 让人有身临其境的感觉。发生过的事情没法用影响记录,而且很多地方也限制摄像机拍摄。但是随着科技的发展人们也可以开始对影响记录经行修改,其准确性也慢慢下降。
3. 相比文字资料,影像资料在保存上有什么优势?有什么劣势?请举例说明。
回答: 在保存上省地方,不易损坏,保存时间可以更长。
4. 两种记录生活的方式相比,如果其中一种是明显占优的,那么另外一种是否可以完全放弃?为什么?请阐述并举例说明。
回答: 不可以完全放弃。
The appearance of the vedio camera can be called bliss to every human being. It overides the traditional mode creating the new age for the record feild. People now not be limited to one dimension formation develope to the two dimensin records. I basically agree withe the speaker that the video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.
The vedio camera brings the brand new feeling to us let the original state be restored become possible. Through the recordding image and sound, people is able to place themself in the event. The video camera let people through their eyes and ears have an immersed sense. On the other hand, the written records may lack such significant mode of expression which through the imagination constitute the scene according to the words. and due to the realization is different cause the imaginal scene is difference from one person to another. The accurancy advanced a lot compare to the witten records. You may have seen the vedio teaching people how to make up in different style. If those thing is recorded in a written way, people may fail to understand the process of every step and may have a wrong realization. However the vedio camera eliminate those misunderstand and confusion, you only need to imitate the model in front of you no need to worry about any more. But the advanced technology also bring another problem----forge vedio, which let people unable to believe what they see and therefor lead the reduce of the vedio accurancy. Apart of it, we have to confess the advantage of vedio camera which is unable be substituted by any other way.
On the contrary, the vedio camera also exist the weekness that unable to defeat written record. Those two records not establish on the same basis, and they have the instric difference. The vedio camera does not develop on the foundation of words, in that case the vedio camera unable to enclose the feature wittern records has. Vedio camera unable to records the feeling of its recorder. It only put the real situation in front of the audence eyes the feeling its unable to record. With the time lapse, people will gradually forget the mood only remember the content of event. However, the written records write down the people's inner feeling let them preserve forever. At the same time this traditonal form is ablto to accentuate the detail of a event and remind people the most significant point. However the vedio camera fail to achieve this point. All the image seem to have a equal postion, even the amplification skill cannot reach the ideal affect. The written records not like the realistic of vedio adding the personal element as well, The written records is alway companied with the writer's idea and thought which let the reader has more deep understanding of the situation. On the other hand the vedio always stress the attantion on the reality do not blend such element in.  All in all, the different character of vedio camera and words let the records represent different situation.
Meanwhile we should also have a clear consciousness that the written records cannnot be replaced by vedio. The biography is one of the vital formation of written records, however the vedio canmera is unable to finish such job. Only we implant a camera in our body, otherwise it cannot fullfill.  Moreover, we cannot ignore there indeed exist some place that forbidden people to take camera in for the protection of privacy. In that case the written records become the uniqe way to record the whole event. Furthermore, because of the vedio camera is the instant records which command the record is proceed with the event happen. If the recorder is not on the spot the vedio camera cannot record at all. Whereas the written record can actualize this point through the description by the partitent.
In the final conclusion we should confess the big change brought by the vedio cammera, at the same time having the recognition that the written records will enact a important role as well. No one can be substitude by other. And for the written records the conditon is more loosen no matter it is the price or the time.        
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