TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:杨雪
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在大学里学的是多项课程还是专项的?你觉得学校的课程安排合理吗?为什么?
回答: 多项的,合理。 利于全面发展 并扩充知识面
2. 学多个专业的课程对学生有哪些提高?
回答: 以后工作的灵活,
3. 只学一个专业对学生有什么好处?
回答: 全心学习某一项技能, 利于精通
4. 你有没有选修过跟你专业相差比较远的课程?你觉得这对你学习本专业有帮助吗?
回答: 没有。 可能有 会有学习方法和思维的启发
5. 站在社会的角度上,哪种学校培养出来的学生更具有适用性?为什么?
With the development of the education system of our country, there are several kinds of universities in society. some universities require students to take class in many subjects,others require students to specialize in one subject. As far as I am concerned, universities which students need to take class in many subjects is better for major students.On the one hand,learning various subjects can help students to board their horizons and enrich knowledge. My mom often requires me  to read many books which is differ from my majority on weekends,she told me knowledge is very important in their daily work.On the other hand,as for undergraduate students,learning three or four different subjects every week is less tedious than learning only one subject everyday.People often says: Interest is the best teacher.Teenagers are easy to feel boring if you ask they to do the same thing all the time.Additionally,almost every graduates have to go to work for living. It 's believe that rich knowledge and experience will obviously help you  to acquire a decent job easier than others. A dramatic example for this is my sister.When she was a student,not only did she learn well in her majority,but also took many  elected courses.Because of her profesional skills ,nowshe is one of her boss 's favorite employee.We have to admit that learning only one subject is good for students to be professional, but lots of disadvantages of this outweigh advantages.Anyway,in my opinion, universties require students take class in various subjects is better.
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