GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张佩尧
Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE54"History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today"。题目讨论历史作用,尤其是历史在为现在的人们提供参考帮助上面的作用。题目不难,而且历史类话题素材广泛。但是写作的时候要注意一点:不要简单说一句历史还有其他作用,然后就花大篇幅去论述其他作用(岔开话题)。因为“帮助做决定”同样是审题以及论述的重点,即使是去说历史的其他做用,也要保持和这部分的紧密联系。
1. 在你的印象中,过去的生活和现在的生活之间有哪些差别?今天有哪些事物是过去没有的?哪些事物一直存在,但是和过去相比,在内涵上发生了改变?请举例并简述。
回答: 差别不是很大。 几十年前,没有手机,没有便利的交通工具。
2. 历史对于现在的人们的影响和意义主要体现在哪些方面?影响方式有哪些?人们参考历史的目的是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 历史上发生的事情可能会重现,因为事物发展都是有一定规律的,万物都要遵循这样的规律。 人们参考历史主要是为了总结历史的经验教训,掌握事物的规律,这样可以保证在现在的生活中选择一条更加便利的道路
3. 是不是只有和现在完全一样的历史事件才会对今天的生活有指导意义?如果不是?那么怎样的事情是有指导意义的?请举例说明。
回答: 不是,比如,工业革命时期,一些欧洲国家盲目发展工业,导致环境的恶化。 如今生活,不论在什么领域,如果不与自然和谐相处的话,必定会导致生活环境的损坏。
4. 你读过什么过去的书籍?你认为它们是过时还是对你现在的生活有指导意义?请举例说明。
5. 你的父母是否曾经用他们过去的经验来给你一些指导?你认为有用么?为什么?请举例说明。
6. 过去的一些经验或者事情是否会对人造成误导?请举例说明。
Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.There are similarities and differences between the past and today, for example, some products of technology including cellphones and airplanes did not exist in the past. However, there is a relationship between them. As there are nature laws that have an effect on the things, it is valuable to learn the past in order to make better decisions today. As many things that happened in the past occurs today, it is of great importance to learn from the history. The law of nature does not change a lot from the past to today, thus having a knowledge about the law will help us a lot when making decisions. For example, in history classes, we learned the war history, such the first world war and the second one. Both of the wars destroyed many cities and made many people died. What we learned from the war class is that wars are bad things that we should avoid. Imagine if there are people who do not know the influence of wars and try to do something like this, it is a adversity for the world. Now, many developing counties are facing environmental problems including pollution. In the industrial revolution period, many European countries had these kind of problems, too. The reason why these problems appeared is that people try to make industries developing without considering environment. They poured the polluted water to the water and to the sea and make polluted air everywhere. Thus it should be avoided today. However, some people try to make money with regardless to the environment. Maybe they do not know the history. Considering if they know the fact and try to avoid it, the environment would be protected. Some experience from older people may help us a lot. For example, when I was young and I got a cold. My parents told me to drink more water. I asked them why I should drink so much water. They told me by drinking lots of water will help me to be healed. It worked. I think because my parents had in such situation before, they know how to deal with it. With the information given above, we could conclude that it is sometimes helpful for us to learn from history. However, sometimes history may misguide us about what to do. For example, the ex-richest person in the world Bill Gates gave up to study from Harvard University and established a company. By deciding this, he set up his company Microsoft and earned a lot of money. When some people knows this, they may come up with an idea that not going to school can make us rich. Then they may choose to give up studying and choose the same way as Bill. However, the consequence of them will be that they will have nothing. The reason for Bill to success is that he found the opportunity of personal computer and he also had a good knowledge. This kind of way to success does not work on everybody. Admittedly, it is possible that we may be misguided by the past, we have to learn form the history with critical thinking. We have to absorb the precious ones and discard the useless things. I think by learning a good knowledge of history, we can make wise decisions when facing the problems that we met before. 
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