TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张天翔_923
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 描述一件你的父母对你的教育中你印象最深的事情,你从中得到了什么?
回答: 印象最深的一件事就是小的时候,爸爸教我让我用完一样东西之后,一定要放回原处,这样才能使得一切都井然有序,下次再使用的时候就不会找不到了。一开始的时候,我觉得这明显是多此一举,但是后来我发现自己真的经常找不见自己的东西,于是我听从了爸爸的建议,结果慢慢地,我养成了这个好习惯。从那以后,无论我的东西有多多,我都能很容易找到我想找的东西,因为一切都很有条理。
2. 描述一件你觉得你的父母说的不对的事情,为什么不对?
回答: 我觉得父母说高中生不能谈恋爱是不对的。父母总觉得谈恋爱会让学生分心,这样对学习不好。但是,他们没有看到,因为在高中阶段,学生都还没有独立,所以学习好是一种吸引异性的重要方式,尤其当他们谈恋爱的时候,为了显示自己的优秀,学生往往会更加用功,这不仅没有妨碍学习,反而对学习有促进作用。
3. 有没有一些事是你的父母不可能教给你的?例如如何完成数学作业。
回答: 父母所教的更多的是如何做人,而关于专业知识方面,父母常常就无能为力了。
4. 除了父母,还有谁教过你道理和经验吗?描述一件具体的事例。
回答: 老师。因为在初中的时候,自己的成绩很好,到了高中,在老师讲到一些很简单的知识的时候,我便毫无兴趣去学。老师发现了这件事之后,便找我谈话,说凡事如果基础打得不牢,那么到后来,事情就会变得越来越吃力,只有拥有一个良好的基础,才能更好地获得成功。听了老师的话,我知道了基础知识的重要性,于是在后来的学习中,我改正了原来错误的观点,打好良好的基础,为后来取得的好成绩打下的坚实的基础。
5. 你认为子女和父母之间的代沟可以用什么方法来解决呢?
回答: 可以通过沟通,这里说的沟通应该在非常平和的气氛中进行,比如一起去游玩的途中,进行一些深层次的交流,把各自内心中真实的想法说出来。这样才能让子女和父母更好地了解对方,消除之间的代沟。
As we all know, education plays a considerably important role in human society. Children should be told what is right and what is wrong. It is no doubt that parents are of great importance to children's early education. But could we say that they are the best teachers? It is true that we should not forget the efforts of parents, however I think parents are not best teachers. My conclusions are base on the following aspects.
It is obvious that there are a great number of things that parents are unable to teach. Imagine that a teenager have no idea about how to solve his problem in maths. After trying many times himself, he comes to his father. However, his father is not good at maths and does not know the answer. In such occasion, parents are always helpless, even if they have a strong desire to help their children. Furthermore, when a teenager try to make his career plan, although his parents know many things by their experience, they may have less knowledge about today's world than their children. So, it is not hard to know that there are quite a lot of things that parents have no ability to teach their children.
In addition, sometimes parents might have a negative influence on their children's development. As far as I concerned, many parents do not allow their children to make a boyfriend or a girlfriend in their high school time. Parents are afraid that dating is bad for their study. However, dating is not a bad thing for teenagers, sometimes it is a catalyst in their study. My brother fell in love with a beautiful girl in high school. Later she became my brother's girl friend. He wanted her to know that he is excellent. As a result, he worked harder in his study and did really well. However, one day his father knew this and did not allow him to date with her anymore. My brother felt very sad about breaking with his girl friend and had no interest in study. From my brother's story, it is easy to see that parents sometimes harm their children.
Of course, parents are important teachers in their children's life. Parents are the first teachers in their children's life. Children learn many things from their parents. There is no doubt that parents are the people who love their children most. They are more likely to spend much time on teaching their children what is right and what is wrong. What is more, parents are the closest people to their children in the world. When the children have problems and confusions, they are more likely to discuss them with their parents. Parents could teach their children a lot in such kind of conversation.
All in all, it is true that parents have a significant influence on their children's education. However, we have no reasons to believe that parents are best teachers. With all the reasons and examples I have mentioned above, it is easy to understand such conclusion. 
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