GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lovehp
Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题和老GRE的ISSUE53"College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government"有相似之处。题目的大范围是关于教育的,具体的说是讨论教育资金应该由个人承担还是政府承担,分析的重点应该是政府和高等教育的关系,学生个体和高等教育的关系,以及资金及其来源于高等教育的关系。
1. 了解一下目前世界上一些国家的教育制度和体系,描述其中某一个或几个国家政府对高等教育的管理和资金支持情况。
回答: 美国大学分公立和私立两种,公立的资金主要来源与政府资助,私立的大学资金大部分来自于校友捐赠。中国的大学的资金基本上都来自于国家。
2. 大学里的学生一般都要支付哪些费用?他们的经济状况和经济来源如何?政府对学生有什么补贴?
回答: 大学学生除了要支付学费,还要支付生活费,住宿费,等。大学生的经济来源绝大多数靠家里,有少数的学生是考奖学金,自己打工等。政府对学生有助学金,或者是减免部分学费
3. 政府资助大学的目的是什么?这些目的是否可以通过其他途径得到?
回答: 政府资助大学是为了让大学有更强的能力培养出优秀的人才,为国家服务,也有可能是为了提高全民的素质。从而带动国家经济增长。对于优秀的人才,国家可以通过人才引进政策,利用高价的工资和高质量的生活水平,吸引外国人才来为自己服务,但是对于提高全民素质,全民的只是水平,没别的太好方法
4. 了解并计算一下,大学的运营费用是怎样的,如果支持一个有一万名在校生的大学,政府需要投入多少资金?
5. 政府付费之后(经济问题被解决之后)可能出现哪些正面或负面结果?
Should students who have been admitted to a university but who can't afford tuitions are offered by government?  The author considers that those students who have been admitted to university must be excellent students and they could benefit the whole society when they graduated, so government should offer a free university education.  While it maybe true that they might benefit the whole society or even they could become a excerpt in some field, however, the author omit something that they might not top students and they might not be benefical to socity like the author said.  So, the author's opinion isn't exectly.
Not all students who have been adimtted to university are top students, because not all university are top university. Some alleyed universities are poor in quality of education, also their students dallyed all day long.  If the author stated universities are top universities,  part of students of these universities are still flamboyant.  That's because differnt areas have different quality of education, like big cities have a lot of resource of education, in the contrast, villages have scarce of resource of education.  About this phenomenon, some universities admited students from these villages that have poor quality of education in a lower score then those big cities. Such as, China's university.  In a word, not all students who have been admitted to university are top students.
But, that students who have been adimtted to university aren't top stuednts isn't equalence to government doesn't offer free university education. Because, they are not brillent students, truely, when they were offered free university education at first, however, they were longing to sophisticate knowledge, and they were diligent, someday they would become experts in any fields. On the contary, some of students dallyed all the time, even they were top students when they entered university at begaining. These students would be excellent students any more, even they fail to graduate finally. Government shouldn't offer free university deucation to the second stype of students.
Nevertheless, government shouldn't give up those students who might not benefit to society, this reason is as same as creating a new theory, the chance of successfully created the new theory is one of millions, so government should give them hand in finacal support.  At same time, under the premis that students who cannot afford tuition, government should creat a criteria to distinguish those potencial students with common students when government decided to support part of students large amout money which is used to cultivate diligent and excellent students. On this circumstance, government's policy might goad some of students whose attitude towards study is leisurely to work hard in order to gain the scholarship, which could increase the number of experts indirectly.
Although in some people's opinion, government should not offer them free university education for they would benefit society in the future, as far as I can see, government should support them because of two reasons. Firstly, some genius haven't discover their true love major, which measn they might be a common students even a bottom students. Secondly, offering them free university education could improve the level of knowledge of population.Whereas, in a nutshell, on the basic of offering students who have been admitted to university but who can not afford the tuition free university education, government also should invest money to cultivate whose brillent students who could be a expert in a field someday.
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