TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Frank_336
Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你去过哪些地方旅行?你去这些新地方时,有没有去过当地的博物馆?
回答: 去过北京,比利时、也去过当地的博物馆。博物馆的设计很具有当地特色。中国故宫的设计体现了中国古代的建筑特色。。比利时的博物馆体现了西方哥特式的风格。
2. 你为什么要去看那些博物馆?看过博物馆你有什么收获?
回答: 从博物馆里,我们可以了解当地的历史和文化。还有各种艺术作品,让我们懂得鉴赏美。 看过博物馆,开阔了视野,懂得了欣赏,对这个城市更加了解,更加喜欢这座城市。
3. 如果去了一个新地方,你没有去看博物馆,会有什么遗憾?
回答: 对这座城市了解不够深刻,回到家后也许会忘了这座城市的特点、
    When I travel to someplace,I usually not only see beautiful scenery but also visit local museum to know about local culture and to find out some characters of this city.The museum can tell you a lot of stories about this city. Therefore, museums will impress you and let you remember this city strongly.I personally believe that people should visit museums when they travel to new palaces.   As far as I am concerned,museums play an important role in recording city history and preserve art works.When I was a high school student,I went on a trip to Beijing.There were plenty of spectacular buildings and delicious food.But the most attractive place for me was palace museum.It is the oldest architecture in Beijing with six hundreds years old.In the palace museum,I saw many beautiful paintings and antiques.It was amazing that old people six hundreds year ago had so great skills to create so wonderful works.With the recording of history books in the museums,I knew about the past of Beijing and had a comprehension in Chinese history. As a result,I love Beijing deeply.   Museums can enable us to broaden our scope of knowledge and to know how to appreciate art. Museums also records some story about heroes who devote themselves to fight for freedom and happiness.For example,in National Museum of American History,we can know the legend of Washington, D.C who created the USA in.So the museum is the best choice if you visit a new city.   Some people do not often go to museums.They think museums are not funny.On the contrary,if you pay all attention on the content in the museum,you will be absorb by them and find lots of fun in them.    To conclude,people should visit museum when they travel to new places in order to understand this city and gradually love this city.
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