GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lovehp
Teachers' salaries should be based on their students' academic performance. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
1. 对于教师,他们的职责都有哪些?在教学过程中,这些职责通过哪些内容体现出来?请举例并简述。
回答: 教授孩子们知识,引导他们向好的方向发展,能树立起高贵的品格,品质,同时在生活方面也要帮助孩子们。教授知识主要是通过课堂,上课时,或者课余时间解答问题时。品德,是老师为人处世的一些方法不知不觉就影响课孩子。生活方面,比如孩子做不到某件事,老师帮一把,或者知道孩子怎么去处理
2. 学生成绩能否完全体现教师的表现是否合格?请分析并简述。
回答: 不能,因为并不是每个学生都能有一个优秀的成绩,因为个人兴趣,天分不同,比如一个老师表现很好,但是他所教授的学生因为喜欢艺术,不喜欢学习课本上的知识,因而成绩不好,如果如作者所说,那么对老师不贡品。还有的是,老师不怎样,但学生极其有天分,刻苦,因而成绩很好
3. 如果将教师的工资和学生的成绩挂钩,对学生的学习会有哪些正面和负面的影响?请分别阐述。
回答: 老师会为了一己私利,不断地给学生留作业,补课,只为他们成绩能提高,自己得到经济利益。坏处是学生学习压力巨大,有可能没时间锻炼身体而是身体垮掉。好处,能使学生知识更系统,能狗叫灵活的应用,成绩提高,将来高考考个好学校
4. 如果将教师的工资和学生的成绩挂钩,对教师的行为会有哪些正面和负面的影响?请分别阐述。
回答: 老师会为了一己私利,不断地给学生留作业,补课,只为他们成绩能提高,自己得到经济利益。好处,刺激老师努力工作
5. 如果让你去决定,那么教师的工资应该怎样核算?
回答: 我觉得作者的想法如果加以修改完善,会是个好方法。我会让孩子们从各个角度去评判老师,比如,生活发面,学习方面,平常老师对待人的态度,但是不匿名,为的是学生为自己言行负责,同时更重要的是保护学生不受老师的报复
Therer a assailable issus that should teacher's salaries besed on their students' academic performance?  Many people including the author back this idea, for they consider that if students' academis perfaormance decides teachers' salaries, then teacher would devote themselves to education, which would prompt their students' academic performance. And therefore, a nation would develop better.  Nevertheless, I couldn't agreeble accept that kind of theory, for the author omits many accounts. In my viewpoint, once teachers' salary is up to their students' academic performance, teachers would assign students abundent assignments in order to upheval their students' academic performance, that is, making a boost of their salary.
Why we need teachers? Is it we need teacehrs just  to obtain knowledge? I don't think so, because we also can gain knowledge through self-study.Therefore, the reason why we need teachers is obvious that we demand other qualities that we can learn form teachers, as well as, our confusions nees to be settled. A excellent teacher should teache students various aspects of knowledge, guide students decelops in a certain direction, and help us get rid of troubles. For instance, teachers should transmit their passion, their optimistic attitude to us and lead us set up a value personality.  Besides, two phenomenon would exist that some excellent educat those students who abhore study and their academic performance are unsatisfible. On the contrary, some irresponsible teachers incidently educate students who is thirsty for knowledge, which is unfair to those excellent teacehrs. As a result, only relying on the academic performance of students to pay teachers is unsound.
Taking accounts of students' conditions, students' assignment might be intered in assignments since this issue was operated; because teachers demand more salary. Additonally, in order to finish their homework, students couldn't spend time in their interest or exercise, which would deteriorate students' health. What's more, teachers might remiss the education of pjersonality, which could occurr this phenomenon that all of students performed well in academic while their pjersonalities are abhored. Perhapes, they would break the harmony of the society. Besides, teachers would arrange everything for students, for which could spare their students more time to put into study.The result of that plan would make students turn to robots that only operating the orders commanded by teachers but independent thinking, which is bad for the development of their students' carrers.
 Desipite those two individual aspects, it could deteriorate the ability of a nation. Because all of its students have to learn that obsalecent knowledge under the pressure of their teachers, the majority of students couldn't develop their interests; what's worst, in the progress of obtaining knowledge, students, more or less, would be limited in thoughts, that is, their critical thinking would be affected, which is paramount to futhur research. Compared to those students who could develop their hobby, this kind of education might be keep weighty contribution away.
In a nutshell, only resting on students' academic performance to determine the wages of teacehs is unwitted. However, in my opinion, even the author's reason is unsound, it does brain storm a reasonable approach that schoole should besed on some major asperts, such as education, the amount of homework, the attitude of teacher towards live, and the personality of teacher to judge teachers' salary.In this way, students could develop more reasonable.
Teachers' salaries should be based on their students' academic performance.
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