TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:stepstone
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child's success in school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 学习过程中,你是跟同学交流得多,还是父母教导得多?你觉得哪种方式让你更容易接受?
回答: I communicate with both parents and students,in relatively,i more often than not exchange information with my classmates on learning and studying;i do believe both parents and classmates are instrumental to studying.It is depends on specific circumstance about which method is more accessible to students.
2. 你的同学对你的学习起着怎样的作用?他们是怎样影响你学习的?
回答: I consider may be perform a role in two level,in one side,i can give advice or suggestion regarding principle and direction of learning or others more macro issues;in another side,i also can share experience with classmates on some subjects. In most case, i learn from classmates about method of studying ,measures of how to go into a totally new fields and thinking patterns.
3. 父母在孩子的学习生活中扮演着怎样的角色?举例说明。
回答: I assume parents should play a indirect or macro role in students learning life.Admittedly,parents are the cornerstone in child growing process ,there is no exception in studying life of children;nevertheless/notwithstanding,learning activities are more rely on children themselves and no substitute can replace children;in the course of learning, parents should relieve children`s pressure and guild children in ideas and method, most importantly frequently encourage their children in life.For instance,in the remarkable movie of ,Gump`s mother give Gump instruct in thinking and ideas that make Gump crack down difficulty in different/particular stage/phase of life.
Like embryonic stem cell retain the ability to differentiate into other cells types, child is in a plastic phase/period that outside world have considerable influence on what the child will grow up in the future.I deem that both parents and classmates play a vital role in child learning life.It is unsound merely to judge which one more important than other without further information. Nevertheless,with child growing,it is truth that classmates have a more vital and direct percussion/work/faction/influence on when child in the senior grade of primary school and in middle school or even in college.Discussion and communication between classmates are extremely crucial for child school learning.With child growing up,he or she shaping herself or himself conception of world and life gradually;He or she also forming self-awareness and self-esteem;So child can make judgement from herself or himself perspective and make effective communicate with classmates;All these factors or parameter helping child leaning in school substantially by enhance the child` capability of discussion and communication.Besides,juvenile have higher affinity and identity between each other regularly make learning from on another more efficient and accessible.However,child is more easily impacted/affected by surrounding world/circumstance due to immature personality.The phenomenon of bad money drives out good money may arise from the class that the excellent students extremely meager so as to be isolated from majority poor students;then may leads to the excellent students becoming poor for the small social pressure of class.
In the entire course of school learning ,the parents and classmates have different weights. In the junior grade of primary school and kindergarten, it is obviously that parents have more essential function than classmates.Apparently,when a child in the age of five or seven,he or she has not have the capability to make judgement independently,most of child follow the parent`s and teacher`s instruct to obtain learning.Classmates have little work in this stage.For instance, when i`am six in grade one of primary school in western china rural area,my mother urge and review me to do home assignment in everyday,however, when in school or elsewhere with my classmates i usually think how to play with them.In addition,when child in the junior grade of primary school,the main stimulus/impulse to learning stem from school teacher`s and parent`s recognition and acclaim.In this phase, the child has not form the ability to self-learn and initiative spirits.
Generally, some ideas、 habit and aptitude copy from parents will accompanied with child lifelong time whether it is good or bad.For example,the son of musician may be more sensitive to musical and note than others.
It is truth that in some stage of school life or for some people classmates have more substantial impact/influence than parents on a child`s achievement in school.However,if we taken into account the panorama of child`s school life,we can concluded fairly that both classmates and parents are vital for the child`sbetter performance of school.
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