GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:毛昞华
Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE214"Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped"。题目讨论对有才能的孩子的培养问题,题目认为应当从小就找到并培养他们。在分析的过程中,可以从拥有特殊才会和能力的孩子所需要的发展空间、在所属领域中出类拔萃所需要的条件、开发才能与社会培养之间的关系、早期培养的利弊、社会对这些孩子可能造成的正负面影响等方面展开思考。需要注意的是在论述过程中一定要针对society、training、children who have special talents and abilities、early age这些关键词。
1. 请列举历史上,不同时期的不同社会对“有特殊才华和能力的孩子”的不同对待方式,并列举由此导致的结果。
回答: Beethoven:talented and forced to play piano by his alcoholic violinist father. Lang lang:also driven by his father to play piano since the age of 3, for his father want his son to achieve the dream of his, to become a pianist. University of China's Science and Technology:class only enrolling the talented students below 15 years old. Some of them accomplished, and some dropped out for pressure and mental unhealth. Generally speaking, those talents are not as good as expected.
2. 社会和有特殊才华和能力的孩子之间都有哪些关系?请举例并简述。(可从彼此间的正负面影响和直接间接影响考虑)
回答: Society can provide better facility to help the growth of the telanted chidren--allow them to enter universities to communicate with the most intelligent mind in the world; Society may also put great pressure on those telants, and the telants, as at a young age, may be collapsed when afarid of not to qualify what is expected to them. Bo, the student from the children class in U of C's Sci&Tech, dropped out and decided to be a monk when he couldn't take the great pressure and sought a piece of serenity.
3. 从小开始的培养对有特殊才华和能力的孩子有哪些利弊?是否有因为从小开始培养而在他们所擅长的领域中出类拔萃的先例?是否有因为从小开始的培养对这些孩子发挥自己的才能造成了抑制?请举例并简述。
回答: benefits: Children are usually more creative and with stronger ability to accept new information. They can achieve more if properly cultivated in the early time of their lives. harm: what they are good at as children may not be their career as adults. social pressure and media exposure. Too much pressure may lead to their disgution towards their talent. William James Sidis, 美国数学天才西迪斯是个神童,但该神童是被他专断、偏执的心理学家父亲刻意包装出来的,西迪斯一岁半便可阅读《纽约时报》,父亲急切的希望将他培养成天才,不断的向媒体爆料引起关注。西迪斯在11岁时即成为哈佛有史以来最年轻的大学生,被《纽约时报》称为“科学施压实验”的辉煌成果。但在西迪斯成年之后,他极为反感这种不自然的生活,并极力回避媒体,决意回归平淡的生活。28岁放弃数学专业,46岁时死于脑溢血。 绘画神童艾坦,在很小的时候有着非凡的绘画才能,如今长到20多岁,却丧失了对艺术的热情。 二三十年代活跃于旧金山的70名音乐神童中,仅有6人继续发展成知名的独奏或演唱家。
4. 一个人才能的开发与否都受哪些因素影响?请举例并简述。
回答: social: family: characteristics: talent: 成就的原因有多种,比如自身努力;即使对这些小孩重点培养了,他们也不一定能够成为科学家,艺术家。Genetic reason固然重要,但是后天的努力是占很大的比例的,Edison就说过,achievement equals to 1% genius plus 99% diligence。所以自身努力是很重要的。更多的大师和有所成就的人是靠自己成年后的努力才得到的,比如Wegner等 其他相关培养只注重于这些小孩特别技能的培养而忽视其他方面比如心理,文化知识的教育,会对他们的成长有损害。他们很可能因此人格有缺陷,这样反而可能对社会带来危害。如果对某一部分孩子进行特殊的培养,就会使得其它孩子产生自卑self-abasement的心里,也不利于其它孩子的发展,毕竟在某方面有天赋的小孩还是少数。
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