今夏最值得看的七部美剧 Seven American TV Series That Are Worth Watching This Summer
作者:Terri Comic 来源:朗播网 2015-08-11


一、Devious Maids Season 3 蛇蝎女佣第三季

The series focuses on five Latina maids working in the homes of Beverly Hills' wealthy and powerful families. The storyline is based on secrets and it involves skeletons in each of the character's closets. In season 3 , the drama gets more intense and much more interesting. 这部剧讲述了五位拉丁裔妇女在贝弗利富人区里当女佣的的故事。三季以来,季季情节紧凑氛围轻松,高潮不断充满悬疑,典型的夏季消遣剧!


二、Grace & Frankie Season 1 同妻俱乐部第一季

Grace and Frankie's lives are turned upside down when they found their husbands are fall in love with each other. Although Grace and Frankie have never liked each other, they are forced to live together and support each other in order to navigate the next chapter of their lives. 一对死敌的丈夫某天突然宣布对方才是真爱并且计划结婚,这两位死敌发现对方才是唯一依靠并就此结成姐妹联盟。这么看似狗血的剧情,却也保留着温馨和感动,几乎集集戳中泪点。


三、Silicon Valley Season 2 硅谷第二季

Silicon Valley centers on six young men who found a startup company in Silicon Valley. It’s a comedy partially inspired by Mike Judge's own experiences as a Silicon Valley engineer in the late 1980s. 导演用搞笑的喜剧形式介绍一群高智商、内向、有很多怪癖的硅谷IT男的生活。不同于《生活大爆炸》仅限于介绍技术宅的琐碎生活,《硅谷》还描述了主人公创业的艰难,有笑点有正能量。


四、Sense 8 Season 1 超感猎杀第一季

Sense 8 is an American science fiction drama. It tells a story of eight strangers who are suddenly linked mentally, and must figure out a way to survive being hunted by people who see them as a threat to the world. 来自不同地方的八位陌生人,不同身份,不同性格,因为某个神秘事件实现通感,能够共享语言、思想和技能。一方面,有个神秘人想将这八人聚集在 一起;而另一个神秘组织又使尽一切办法猎杀他们。八人必须齐心协力,找寻超感的真相。有点儿像《超能英雄》,推荐给喜欢科幻题材的小伙伴!

五、Scream Season 1 惊声尖叫第一季

Scream is an American horror television series, which is adapted from the horror movie of the same name. 电视剧版《惊声尖叫》改编自同名系列电影。剧情的核心是两个试图恢复童年友谊的少女,小心处理着情人、敌人、嫌疑犯等各种人际关系,而且她们成了一个复仇心切的冷血杀手的目标。如果觉得90分钟的电影不过瘾,那快点儿来刷电视剧吧!


六、Halt & Catch Fire Season 1 奔腾年代第二季

Halt & Catch Fire tells the story of some cowboy entrepreneurs and engineers who join the PC wars by cloning an IBM machine and talking on Big Blue for control of the personal computer industry. 故事背景设在上世纪八十年代,一个有远见的商人,一个电脑工程师和一个天才因市场的创新革命走到了一起,创建了当时最大的公司。他们改变了美国德州的文化版图,而贪婪和自负也考验着他们的个人生活和职业生涯。虽然《绝命毒师》和《广告狂人》都已完结,但是AMC的这部剧很可能成为又一经典力作!


七、True Detective Season 2 真探第二季

True Detective is an American crime drama TV series. On the surface it sounds like an exciting crime procedural. But True Detective is about the world we live in, a story about “Light VS Dark.” 故事由加利福尼亚市长Ben Caspar的意外死亡展开,来自三个不同城市、不同政府机构的三名执法人员联手调查此案。三人在调查过程中才发现调查这个案子的难度远大于他们所设想,调查小组能否成功破获市长离奇死亡的案件呢?黑色幽默、哥特、宗教、哲学、侦探,这些元素都给此剧带来了浓烈的神秘感,吸引着观众。


标签: 美剧 英语 休闲


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