TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:zycher
【IBT机经-1】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.
1. 在我们的日常生活和社会历史中,获得成功的人都应该具备那些素质?这些成功人士是和其他人一样呢还是与众不同呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 获得成功的人都是勤劳的,做事情态度认真,坚持不懈有与众不同的想法,和其他人是不一样的。
2. 成功人士的身上,哪些特点是具有普遍性的?那些特质是具有特殊性的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 普遍性:认真刻苦,坚持不懈 特殊性:创新性,独立思考能力
3. 变得和大家相似会出现哪些结果?在什么情况下有助于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 和大家相似会变得不容易成功
4. 变得和大家不同有哪些结果?在什么情况下有利于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 和大家不同可能会成功,也可能会失败
5. 变得和他人一样也好,不一样也罢,对成功究竟能起到多大的作用?为了获得成功,除了题目中涉及的那方面问题,还需要那些优秀的品质呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 与人交流的同时结合自己的独立性思考
To be successful in life, one should have the characteristic of independence, that is, he/she has the ability to think critically. Through critial thinking, one is capable of analyzing insightfully, concentrating on the right target, thereby making a wise decision.
Thinking critically can enable to analyze problems insightfully. we live in a world where controversial issues are often simply taken for granted. For example, most people are reluctant to think carefully about issues like whether boys and girls should take separate classes. Recently a high school in Beijing announced that their students from them on take separate classes. Many parents support such rediculous decision without careful consideration. They are poor thinkers. Critical thinking is but to ask some simple yet essential questions, which always brings amazing sometimes appalling outcomes. Is such a scheme capable of eliminating underage sexual behaviors among adolescents? Does such a scheme guarantee boys and girls free of  negative effects? Sadly, the decision had been made but the question left unanswered.
Thinking critically can help one concentrate on right target. We all only and exactly24 hours a day, but we often mountainous work to do in hands, along with which many personal affairs seem equally urgent.Concentrating on right target is probably the only way to overcome such dilemmas. For example, ETS has recently announced that GRE examination will be transformed back to paper based test. Grumbles are all around, and complaints are posted almost on every BBS on the Internet. But if student think critically, however, they will find out the simple fact that even if ETS had made an awkward decision, test preparers should concentrate on the right target-preparing for the tests as prudently as possible, and at the same time, grumbling never helps.
Only by thinking critically can one make decisions wise and prudent. Sound decision making is essential to success. Decisions such as which movie theater we should go tonight are simple enough to make by tossing a coin, but decisions such as which university or which major we should choose are complicated enough so that we need careful comparisons. A comparison sheet will helpa lot, simply by listing several relevant questions  such as "Am I really interesting in this major?" or "Are there more opportunities in the city where the university is located?" By analyzing insightfully and concentrating on the right targets, wise desisions are not hard to reach at all.
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