TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:黄子晏
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你觉得大学应该给学生体育活动提供资金吗?如果应该,这些钱你觉得应该花在哪呢?
回答: 应该,多购置一些体育器材,多修一些体育场地来丰富体育活动。
2. 你觉得大学应该给图书馆提供资金吗?如果应该,这些钱你觉得应该花在哪呢?
回答: 应该,科研的杂志,论文,名著
3. 你觉得体育活动和图书馆会不会有一个需要花更多的钱呢?如果有,为什么?
回答: 体育活动,。 1。健康的身体是对繁忙功课的一种放松。 2。拥有相同体育运动兴趣的可以成为朋友并且讨论学术上的问题。尽管有时候专业不一样,也是自己的一种丰富。 3。过量的学习会导致一些问题,过量运动则会落下学业。学校应该尽可能的找到一个平狠点。
4. 对学生而言,参加体育活动有什么好处?去图书馆又有什么好处?两者比较一下。
education often plays a vital part in the process of country's growth. when considered college education, an important debate on whether universities should give the same amount of money to student's sports as they give to their university libraries.from my personally perspective, both aspects should be taken into account equally, namely, the financial support of physical exercise make it the equivalent of the library's cost. my reasons to presented are as follows.
first of all, it provide better concentration, students with heavy workloads need to clear their mind and acquire physical rest, because their mind won't focus if there are too much stress and sleep deprivation. For example, if our college could provide us with yoga course and place to go on it. all the pressure taken by homework would fade away. what's more, if there are students facing academic problems, they must be disoriented with continuing dipping in the huge sea of knowledge, on the contrary, playing a basketball game in a cool basketball museum which offered by our university. maybe an inspiration could come up in our mind.
additionally, students with similar sports interests could become friends in the sports club set up by university, therefore, they can learn form each other by exchanging views in both the academic fields and someday, maybe someday soon, they could walk together to fight for a common goal such as an academic match or a basketball game. such sports club offer us so many opportunity to meet new friends and share our happiness.thus students could not only improve their physical conditions but also interpersonal skills very well. however, students might lock themselves in the classroom or laboratory, which leads to more and more physical and mental problems.
in my opinion, too much exercise or academic work could result in students' problems directly, it is most important for our school to keep a balance in the financial support between the two mentioned aspects. and keep in mind that modern ages need people with overall talent.
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