TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:棉布花猫
【IBT机经-31】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what is like before.
1. 现如今的时代特点是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 信息传播快速,人与人交流方便。
2. 这些时代特点是如何影响现代家庭的?现代家庭有哪些特点?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 家人懂得也多,交流快速。代沟少,
3. 一个人成功都需要哪些方面的条件?请结合实际简述。
回答: 自身的努力,经验的积累。家人经验的传授,学习。机遇机会
4. 现代家庭能够提供给人们哪些成功所需的条件?请结合实际简述。
回答: 扎实的基础,多才多艺,更好的沟通。快速的信息交流
5. 请结合实际谈谈在这些条件中,哪些是过去所不能提供的?请结合实际简述。
回答: 旧时代的中国,大多是农民。一家有一个孩子出来上了大学,全靠自己。现在父母都接受过良好教育,更方便沟通交流。
nowadays,through the development of our society。it is more and more convenient for us to communicate with our family,and gain the help from them. compared with the old time period of China, the information spread not as fast as do in present time.we had to take amount of time to communicate with our family to seek the past, the only tool we can use to connect with them was writing letters. so if we were suck into trouble where they could not come immediately, maybe with a long distance. letter would not make sense to help. but not a large amount of tools thereby people exchange information and give out news,the advantages claimed for email, MSN over the letter, telegram is being approved.  seeking advice easily is a undoubteable stimulated by the development of current era.
following  the quickly update of messages, there is another significant characteristic in today's social condition,the shorter generation gap.there is no doubt that generation gap is a giant obstacle in front of the parents and their children. 
besides the two main reason for supporting of making the dialogue among family member more easily, the social circle matters too. the social circle is another pattern of improving the young people be successful. our parents will lead them to a wider spectrum of social relationship,from their colleagues, friends to the bosses of big companies, the famous institutions. they are a available source of experience from which we can learn a result,by making most of these bridges they provide us,we can expand our horizon and enlarge our insight. 

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