TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Loty
【IBT机经-15】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
1. 什么叫做好的消费方式?衡量一种消费方式好与坏的标准是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 好的消费方式是让人觉得有意义的消费,如果消费给人带来的意义感是负面的,那就不是一个好的消费。
2. 你认为宠物消费是一种好的消费方式吗?如果是,为什么?如果不是,请说明理由。
回答: 我认为宠物消费是一种好的消费,因为宠物是我们家庭中的一部分,同时宠物也是我们的朋友,为他们消费会让人觉得有意义,同时宠物会给我们带来精神上和感情上的回报
3. 宠物消费都包含哪些内容?这些消费数量大吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 宠物消费包括为宠物购买生活必需品,如食物、衣服、床等等,这些消费都不大,还有很多娱乐消费比如给宠物用的玩具,为宠物搭建的方便设施等,这些消费略高,一些消费是可有可无的,如宠物美容或者去宠物医院看病等,这些消费就很高了。
4. 一般来说,饲养宠物的人都具备哪些特点?宠物消费对他们来说负担会很大吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 饲养宠物的人一般都比较有爱心,并且视他们的宠物为他们家庭中的一员,维持正常生存的宠物消费对他们来说负担不会很大,除非他们一定要买宠物用的奢侈品。
5. 在饲养宠物的同时,他们是否会有其他方式来消费呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 还有自己的娱乐消费
As there are many ways to spend our money, good ways and bad ways of consumer behavior are being discussed. A good way of consumption is to buy meaningful items or pay meaningful bills. Purchasing our pet's bill seems like a reasonable way to use our salary.The spending of pets is not way too high. Necessities like foods clothes and beds are just as cheap as our daily meal, most of the pet owners can afford this price. Some of the facilities are for pets' entertainment. Those items including toys and fake bones are not necessary but a great way to advance standard of living of both pets and pets owners. Besides, it increase the playing time between pets and their owners and reduce other spending of human entertainments. There are also some spendings are being critisized as unnessary like pets' hairdressing or pets‘ medical care which are rarely been chosen by pet owners who was middle class or below.Most of the pet owner are loving person who see their pets as their family members. The cost of living of pets are less than humanbeing, so it won't be a burden for those owners. Furthermore, as a closest friend and a loyal family member, spend money for pets are meaningful. The way 
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