TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lzz
It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你或者你认识的人家附近有没有餐馆?如果有,描述一个具体的情况。
回答: 有很多。人们去餐馆过生日,庆祝节日,或者其他例如婚庆。
2. 你觉得家附近有个餐馆,给你带来了什么好处?
回答: 不愿意在家里吃的去餐馆很方便。
3. 想想你家附近的餐馆有没有给你的生活带来什么不便?
4. 如果不是社区附近建餐馆,你认为是否有额外的好处或者不好的地方?具体阐述一个。
5. 国家在餐馆选址的问题上有没有相关规定?
Recently, high speed life style has found its way to normal people's routine. With more and more restaurants emerging in our sight, people get free from cooking home and possess more time to accomplish other things that they really want to do. From my perspective, I totally support the announcement to build a new restaurant in my neighborhood.
Firstly, it would be more convenient for people to eat in restaurant than cook at home, not to mention that the quality of food in restaurant must be better. My family presents a typical case for this point. When festival comes, there is no doubt that we would invent some relatives and friends to eat together, and we always prefer the restaurant than home. We make this advisable decision not only since not only it would save us a large amount of time and energy on cooking, but going to the restaurant is traditionally regarded as a more formal way to celebrate in our culture comparing to having meals at home. Apart from family like us, far from rare is the phenomenon that a great many of people choose the restaurant due to its convenient and comparative high quality food and service, companying with their increasingly consuming desire. Once the restaurant is built, possible so life in our neighborhood would be more comfortable .
Moreover, aside from family celebration, other business may get run during the process of inventing people eat in the restaurant. As a special need met for the trend that managers are getting accustomed to sign their contract on their food table in restaurant is increasing, company lays more and more emphasis on the communication with their customers or competitors during meals. It is obvious that by running a new restaurant in the community, there would be more developments of other business spurred by the restaurant. The restaurant just provides them perfect surroundings, which help make it possible for people to work there in another  flexible and enjoyable way.
In sum, although the new restaurant may bring some negative effects on the environment like the slight pollution or noise at night, the advantages apparently outweigh the disadvantages. I believe life would be better if the new restaurant is built in my neiborhood.
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