GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:李攀
Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.
1. 请列举出一个改善了人类环境的技术革新,并简要阐述它为什么改变了人类的环境。
回答: 垃圾处理技术
2. 请列举一个破坏了人类环境的技术革新,并简要阐述它为什么破坏了人类环境。
回答: 地震波技术,开采PETROLEUM,经济驱动
3. 你认为我们的生活环境在最近的几十年是否得到了改善?如果是,这种改善是否和技术革新有关?请举例说明
回答: 得到了,有关,比如说交通便利了,治安变好了
4. 在人类发展的过程中,战争、贫穷等不良状况是否有所改善?请举例说明。
回答: 想比较过去而言,有很大的改善
5. 战争等极端行为的存在是否能作为判断人类环境是否有改变的重要依据?为什么?
回答: 不能,因为这种极端情况永远都不会消失,他只是一小部分人的所做所为,代表不了整体
In this age of technology, there has been a growing debate about whether technology can transform/alter the condition of humanity. Some people like the author hold that despite technological innovations, war,violence and poverty are still with us , and therefore that the condition of humanity cannot be changed by technology. Although I agree that technological innovations have not eliminated/eradicate/done away with/got rid of such problems as poverty ,war and violence, I believe that the condition of humanity have been enhanced to a large extent/in large measure -in terms of people's survival, comfort level,as well as spiritual life. Admittedly, technology progress has not eradicated grave/serious and long-standing(enduring/long-term/age-old) problems like war and poverty,which still exist in developed nations and developing countries and regions likewise. However, the level of poverty and the frequency of violence(violence frequency) have been abated(mitigated/diminished/reduced/) significantly(greatly/dramatically) due(instead这里用不上,但注意将来要用时的位置) to technology progress .For example, according to reports from the Chinese state-run news agency,China News Agency ,due to the video camera technology that serves as a deterrent to crime because of its function of recording, crime rates have declined greatly in Beijing over the past fifty years. Similarly, advances in automation boost productivity ,thereby reducing the poverty level of many countries around the world,such as China, India and other developing countries. In short, although technology progress has not (fails to )eliminated problems like war, violence and poverty , the graveness of these problems have been ameliorated considerably,which in turn enhance the condition of humanity to some degree. Despite technology's limitations in doing away with enduring problems such as poverty ,war and violence, technology plays an important role in helping reducing human suffering ,as well as enhancing economic standard and living and comfort level. For one thing, technology progress has brought about improvements in people's survival conditions. An apt illustration of this point of view involves advances in water treatment ,supply and distribution technolgy, which have resulted in a reduction in infant morbitity and mortality, an increasein life expectancy.For instance, thanks to the coming of a kind of water treatment technologies -chlorine disinfection in 1908 , typhoid decreased considerably , and by 1918 over 1000 cities in the United States witnessed the increased health benefits of disinfection with chlorine .Consider also advances in medicine which prolong many people's life by curing diseases previously considered incurable,such as many kinds of cancers,leukemia and other types of diseases .In other words, our conditon of humanity have been improved in terms of our survival conditions. For another thing, advances in technology have also boosted the comfort level of humankind . One need look no further than technological innovations ,such as computers, cell phones to find ample evidence that this is the case. Take computers,as an example. with the advent of computers and the Internet, people can communicate over hundreds of thousands of miles with the greatest of ease. More recently, thanks to in-flight Internet developed by Aircell, a prestigious American, passengers can have access to the Internet while they fly the skies, so they don't have to suffer from long journeys as much as before. Also, cell phones,espcially the third-generation cell phones(3G cell phones) have aided/assisted people,especially dumb people, in communication greatly because people can see each other and therefore communicate by gestures by 3G cell phones . In short, technology has enhanced the condition of humanity when it comes to the overall standard of living. To sum up, while there are still some problems like war,violenc and poverty along with us, the frequency or graveness of such problems have been ameliorated due to technology progress. More importantly, technology has brought about great improvements in human survival conditions and the overall standard of living, so the condition of humanity have been enhanced significantly and dramatically by any measure.
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