GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蓦茉
The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.
1. 你是否使用过摄像机来记录过某些生活中发生的事情?如果有,具体阐述一件。如果这件事用文字方式记录,你会怎么做?是否会更加容易或者更加困难?
2. 相比用文字记录,用影像资料来记录生活有什么优势?有什么劣势?尤其在精读和说服力方面有什么优劣势?请举例说明。
3. 相比文字资料,影像资料在保存上有什么优势?有什么劣势?请举例说明。
4. 两种记录生活的方式相比,如果其中一种是明显占优的,那么另外一种是否可以完全放弃?为什么?请阐述并举例说明。
Since the video camera, a product of high digital technology came
forth. It provides people a total new and different way of recording to the
traditional written records. However, video cameras cannot be significant enough to be the documentary tool which
totally replaces the written records.


It is a fact that video camera has many advantages over written
records, for it can record information more vivid, directed and accurate. More
and more people today use video camera to record their rememberable trips, for
through the record they can almost recurrent to the beautiful sceneries; and at
the same time, many couples choose to record their wedding ceremonies by video
camera, for it can help them record the happiest moment in their life forever.
Vivid and accurate as the video cameras are, they can also help people in other
aspects. Since they are objective witnesses with perfect memories, thus they
can play a vital role in the legal proceeding. As more and more monitor videos
are being used in public places currently, these records serves as the most
convincing evidences to those who steal, robber or break traffic rules.


However, video cameras have their intrinsic limitations although they
are very accurate. As a product of technology, the expensive price is not
affordable to all the populace. Thus it impede the widely use of this advanced
form of documentation. Despite the price has decreased as the expanding of
production, they can only be continuous used for
hours since they are need electricity to support them. And this may cause
troubles for people in emergencies. What's more,
most people are not custom to take video cameras by sides, thus people cannot
use them to record at any time.


Moreover, although video camera provides accurate record of physical
life and phenomena, it cannot record everything. As a tool for human, it seems
cool and lack of emotion, it cannot competently provide lots of other things.
For instance, the nonobjective knowledge such as philosophy, statistics cannot
be record by video. Furthermore, the subject statement from heart, the momentary inspirit from mind or the personal emotion,
none of them can be expressed exactly by video cameras. Nevertheless, written
records are a more accurate way to record those subjective emotions. By the
written words, people can use metaphors or other
kind of rhetoric to express them vividly; and
written records can abstract summarization of ideas and thoughts.


The video camera does have its own merits, but we should make good use
of the technology without abandoning our traditional values, which also have
the advantages that video camera does not have. Both of these methods should be used as complements in order to make
our life more efficient and convenient.
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