TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:郑小晨
Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 汽车给我们的生活带来了哪些便利?
回答: 出行,旅游方便
2. 同时,汽车又给人类生活带来哪些危害?
回答: 环境污染,交通堵塞。
3. 对于这些危害,人类有什么办法控制或是解决?
回答: 1.减少汽车的使用,改用公共交通,如bus or subway 2.减少汽油的使用,改用清洁能源,如电力
4. 若是没有汽车的出现,人类的生活将是怎样的?
回答: 出行减少便利:雨雪天气出行,去郊区旅游。 办事减少便利:去超市购物。
5. 类似汽车这种科技的发展,它们给现代生活到底增添了怎样的色彩?
回答: 是生活更丰富更便捷:购物,旅游。
Nowadays, the role of automobile is more and more debateable in our daily life since on one hand the automobile lead to easier and convinient life and on the other hand aroses some negtive imfluence. However, after wighting the two side sierersly, I strongly advocate that automobile bings to a fatastice life to us. With the variours reason that surpport my argument, three reasons are listed as follows.
Firstly, the upcoming of automobile make it easier when you want to go to another place especially. For example, if you want to go to suburbs to travle, and there is no bus line, it is more convient to drive a car. And if you want to go to differnt place, it is more swiftly by driving a car. 
Secondly, it is more convient to move heavy thing from one place to another place. For example, if you want to move to anoter house, it is more easier to move things and furnicher by a car. And after shopping from super market, it is better to load the meat and vegetable on a car.
Lastly, it is more convient to go out by automobile when the weather is bad. For example, when rainning or sonwing day, it more comfortable to take a car in stead of get the bus because of the car is more flexable.
 In conclusion, although automobile have negtive influence on envirment, with the develop of teachneaqe the problem aslo can be solved .Conserning the advantages I mentioned above I strongly confermed that the easiness and hanppiness that automobile has brought to us.
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