GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:LXM
No one can possibly achieve success in the world by conforming to conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking.
在这个世界上,按照传统的行为和思考方式做事 的人不可能获得成功。
1. 描述一个按照传统方式思考和做事儿并获得成功的例子,并分析为什么他会获得成功。
回答: 中国人爱吃中式早餐,而KFC因为抓住了这一点在中国大陆市首先推出早餐服务,大获成功。在这里,KFC抓住了中国人的传统市场的需求,并辅以优秀的卫生保障手段和还不错的味道,抓住了市场。
2. 描述一个打破了传统思维方式和行为方式而获得成功的例子,并分析为什么他会获得成功。
回答: Bill·Gates在大学还没有毕业就辍学开办微软。
3. 按照传统的思维模式和行为模式来做事儿有什么好处?这些好处会给人的成功带来什么帮助?这种做事儿方式有什么弊端?这些弊端会给人的成功带来什么阻碍?请举例说明。
回答: 传统思维有利于商家更方便地进入一个市场,通过一定现代化包装,开拓商机。但固守传统可能会限制人们的思维,不利创新,在现在社会中缺乏创新可能意味着死亡。
4. 打破传统的思维模式和行为模式来做事儿有什么好处?这些好处会给人的成功带来什么帮助?这种做事儿方式有什么弊端?这些弊端会给人的成功带来什么阻碍?请举例说明。
回答: 打破传统有助于人们向别人之所不敢想,为别人之所不敢为,开拓思路,求得进取,从而获得成功。但同时其所面临的风险是巨大的,如果没有好的创意与抵御风险的措施,打破传统可能会带来灾难性后果。
5. 人的成功会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素哪些需要遵守传统?哪些需要打破传统?请举例说明。
回答: 个人的努力与坚持,以及周围环境的影响。周围环境主要还是需要遵守传统,但是开拓市场创新经营需要打破传统。
6. 遵守传统和打破传统的人通常会受到什么样的社会压力?这样的压力会对他们的成功造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 遵守社会传统之人会受到周围做同样事情的人的竞争压力,打破传统的人会受到周围人不认可的压力。
Though many people believe that nobody can achieve success in the world by conforming to conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking, I think it depends for one to be an iconoclast in order to achieve his or her goals.
In today's world of social division of labor, it is hard for one to accomplish a great success by just doing what his or her predecessors did. If one wants to succeed, he or she should pick up one of the fields that nobody has been in and be the first in that area. When we look at the success of Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft co. and the success of Dell Inc., it is not hard for us to tell it is that going against the tradition.
In the past, it is incredible of one to achieve success for people who dropped out of school. However, Gates quit Harvard when he was a sophomore and set up Microsoft which aims its main market at computer software (though many people at that time didn't regard it as market), with one of his friends. After years of development, now Microsoft is the world's biggest software producer and gain billions of dollars each year. It looks almost the same as the success of Michael Dell, the founder of Dell Inc.. Mr. Dell also dropped out from his university and set up his own computer-making company. His company, instead of following the traditional way of selling, sells its computer series directly to customers, and thus came the new B2C model of selling. Nowadays, Dell also one of the top 3 computer manufacturers. In contrast with the success of Microsoft and Dell, the failure of McDonalds' promotion campaign in 2006 told us that just aimlessly follow the tradition and refuse to add what the market expects may bring some disastrous outcomes. Therefore, I believe, it is necessary for one to go against the tradition in order to achieve success in most circumstances.
However, it doesn't mean that one can do nothing by follow the tradition. The success of the fast-food chain KFC in China mainland may throw some new lights on this issue. Even in today's fast-moving society, most Chinese like to eat traditional Chinese breakfast including some especial Dim Sums appear only in China. KFC found out this trend and introduced its traditional Chinese breakfast series in China mainland several years ago and won great welcome from Chinese consumers. Now almost every kind of fast-food restaurants in China has its own Chinese breakfast for people to choose from every morning. Therefore, following one's traditions doesn't mean a dead-end for us. By developing traditions in a new way we can also achieve what we want.
In my points of view, it depends on the person's ability to counter stress and the section he wants to succeed in for one to follow the traditions or not. I think that in many newly developed industries, such as the IT industry, it is highly recommended for one to go against the tradition in order to succeed. While for people who wants to do a normal job an, it is good for them to follow the traditions. Therefore, I think that following or not following the tradition depends on many things, we cannot just give our judgment for whether a person should or should not conform to conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking.
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