TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:米拉
What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.
1. 你有没有遇到过自己心目中的好老板?他是什么样的?
回答: i have not meet yet ``` but i knew about my father's boss who is a very kindly man and cares lot about his employees . when company improves the profit , he never forgets his collegue.
2. 如果你没有遇到过自己满意的老板,你觉得那些不合格的老板都有什么不足?
回答: 1.selfish 2.bed-temper 3.less care about the employees
3. 老板身上不好的品质对你、其他员工以及整个公司造成了什么问题?
回答: 1.other people didint wants to listen to his , never work of full passion and patient . 2.irresponsiblity 3.don't protect companies facility .
I am a college srudent now , so I didn't have a real meaning of boss , but last summer , I worked in a resturant as my first job . Unfortuntanly , every day I have to faced a very poor quality of boss that he has a bed temper , like said some words which hurt your feeling . Thus , during the last summer experience , I thought that being a good boss is very tough work , and if a person wants to being a good boss who has lots of good quality is very important to both company and faculty .
First and formost , I think respect someone is the key point which will playes  an extremly important role in every field . I still want to talk about my summur work times . Why I have to said that my boss is not a good quality of boss , the answer is too simple , because he don't wants to respect his faculty . If a person enter your company who is actually feel some strange and has to spend some time to learn how to work . But my boss is not . If he realized or found you have some falt in your job , whatever you are new or not , he might be said some words which are really hurtful . When my boss said bed words to me , I felt to terrible that want to left immediately . Thus , I think being a good boss have to improve the quality of respect . because if boss is don't respect his colleges are don't respect he/she either .
Secondly , I think that a good boss have to more care about his/her faculty . My father has a very good boss I think , because , when every time my family has to faced some problem which is very tough or urgent , his boss never avoiding his help . No matter company has to do lots of duties in one day or some person has to left for few days from company , my father's boss often gives them rights to leave , but only for real imergency . He really care about his faculty and never do something to make his faculty uncomfortable . Consequently , I really have a dream that after I graduate can find a job just like my father , either .
At last but not least , I thought the selfish boss is not everyone's favor . For instance , now days we often hear some news about a person who suicide because he/she can't support his/her family or him/herself  anymore . But the company who work for still on the right track . What happen ?  I think the reason is too simple , because their boss is sort of selfish person , he only cares about his own benefit and ignored the people who work for him . At the end , no ones wants to  work for the person who just thinks about himself .
From what has been disscuss above , I can sefly draw the conclusion that a boss has to improve some quality just as respect other people ,carefullness and don't being too selfish are all very important to a companie's developing.  
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