GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:沈昱_893
Educators should teach facts only after their students have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE28"Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little"。题目的实质是讨论理论与实例,抽象与具体之间的关系。你可以分别考虑具体的实例和抽象的概念在学习中的作用,也可以考虑具体事例和抽象方法的特点和他们之间的差异,并分析哪些因素跟“学到东西”有关。
1. 你在学习中更愿意学习抽象的方法、概念、思想,还是学习具体的事例?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 我更愿意去学习具体的事例,这是因为具体的事例其实上就是能够直观的去了解这些东西,因为能够直观的去了解,因此映像深刻,能够记忆很长时间,并且能够在实际中应用起来 e.g (自生经历)在学习生物科学当中,其实有很多概念是很抽象的,例如说在学习botany的时候就需要学习植物的分类,但是在学习了书本上讲的各个科目的特点之后,我们在野外其实真的很难看出这些区别,但是老师在野外教我们如何区别这些特点后,每次我在野外看见统一class的植物,我就能够很清楚的分辨出来。
2. 抽象的思想和概念有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: 抽闲的概念和思想的特点就是能够精准的抓住事物的特性,能够没有任何累赘的精准的表达事物,能够让我们在搞懂之后对学习有很大的帮助;但是难以理解和记忆,因此会给学习带来很大的负担。 e.g 数学就是一个很经典的例子,在数学中有很多的概念,很多的模型,这些东西都是在专业领域中被公认很有用的东西,这些概念和模型帮助电脑专业的研究人员设计出了很多有用的程序,例如说在制图方面它帮助研究人员建立matrix,在上色时能够精准的找好点;但是由于这些东西太抽象因此在学习的过程当中的困难很多,例如说matrix的变换等等。
3. 具体的事例有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: 具体的事例的特点就是直接,贴近生活,能够在第一时间从各个层面上掌握;这种特点对于学习来说就是学的快,并且能够在实际操作中迅速的使用,但是由于它只是表观上的学习,对于内部原理不能够变现出来,所以,所以这种学习其实就只能说是一种机械的模仿。这让学习者不能够真正的理解。 e.g 在生命科学当中由于实验是一个很重要的部分,因此很多人其实就仅仅只是注重学习实验操作,但是在大学里实验操作其实都是老师设计好的,因此学生就只是机械的模仿;但是在真正的科学研究中其实有很多的实验操作是老师没有讲过的,往往是研究者为了实现自己的目标而临时设计出来的,但这种设计是基于良好的理论基础上而出现的;所以只是注重实验的学生是不能够适应当今的研究要求的
4. 在学习中如何做到“举一反三”?在这个过程中,抽象的思想和具体的事例分别起到了什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 在学习中做到举一反三其实并不是很困难的事情,因为这个过程仅仅只是包含两个动作:举一和反三。其中举一就是对于抽象事物的学习,这就要求学习者能够深入的了解这个抽象事物的特性;而反三就是学习者在真正的了解了抽象思想之后能够联系上实际从实际中更加透彻的了解抽象事物;总而言之就是具体事例充当了一个helper的角色,让我们能够深入了解抽象思想。
5. 什么样的学习内容更适合学习具体事例?什么样的学习内容更适合学习抽象的思想?请举例说明。
回答: 学习技术的课程其实更适合学习具体事例,但是对于学科的基本知识的了解那么就更加适合学习抽象的思想。 e.g 在生命科学的课程设置当中有4大工程学科,这些课程其实就是让学生了解这门科学的前沿技术,和工厂话生产的学科。因此这些课程并没有太多的涉及到理论研究,所以使用具体事例的学习更能够让学生牢固的掌握学习过的技术;但是生命科学中极其重要的学科生化中,由于接触到的都是一些现实中存在但是没办法直接观察的现象,因此学生更加需要的就是进行学习抽象的思想,能够在脑中想象出生命代谢中出现的各种代谢途径。
6. 抽象概念和思想与具体的事例之间有什么关系?这些关系会如何影响学习过程?请举例说明。
回答: 抽象概念和思想其实就是具体事务的理论基础,它为具体事务提供了完全的理论知识,让人们在学习具体事务的时候能够从抽象的概念和思想当中寻找到理论根据;但是具体事物则是抽象概念和思想的验证者,在许多的抽象思想被提出来后,这些思想只能称之为猜想,只有在具体事物当中被验证之后才能称之为思想。
I am strongly agree with the author's assertion that ideas, trends and concepts should be tough before teaching the fact, for 2 reasons. The first is that concepts, ideas and trends are the basic thing of the fact. And the second is that the idea and trend are the key to understand the fact.
To my first point, I mentioned that having concepts, trends and ideas are the base which can help someone have the outline of the fact. In the education, students who do not have the enough ability to have a summary according to the observation, have to learn the abstract concepts or ideas before learning the fact. Because summarizing some theory or find out the concept from the fact is so difficult that it has to take a long time. For instance, in China farmers always obey the regulation which is summarized by thousands years and distinguished a year to 24 sections to manage their work and life. Although this regulation is so commonplace in our society now, but it still takes thousands years.
And my second attitude figure out that had learned the abstract concepts and ideas are helpful to recognize the fact, for this reason that what the student had learned can make them transmit the knowledge become the personal attitude and trend which are useful to recognize the fact. The best example in this aspect is my experience in learning biology. In physiology, one animal will have different reaction in different period, but if you ask someone who do not know anything about the biochemistry, he just could distinguish some different in preface. However it would be definitely different, when you ask a person who have the knowledge in this field.
But we can not deny the situation that we might have to learn the fact first, and then we will know its concepts after our research. However, it will be met in the advance study probably. Although this situation is exist, the author just mentioned it is in the education, so teaching the concepts and idea should be arranged before teaching the fact.
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