GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:雀翎儿
How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.
1. 孩子们适应社会的能力强(或弱)表现在哪些方面?请举例说明。
回答: specialization is marked by children who communicate with others effectively,get along with others friendly and receive instruction in circumstance of others sensitively.
2. 社会发展会受到哪些重要因素的影响?这些因素哪些是和孩子们适应社会的能力有关的?请举例说明。
回答: law\technology\tradition\culture\value\
3. 适应社会能力强(或弱)的孩子会对社会做出什么贡献?会给社会带来什么麻烦?请举例说明。
回答: preserve\bellwether
4. 我们有哪些具体的手段和方法来培养孩子适应社会?这些手段和方法在现代社会中被执行的情况如何?为什么会出现这种情况?请举例说明。
回答: traditional education in school,the thoery in common
5. 哪些因素会制约我们对孩子适应社会能力的培养?请举例说明。
回答: purpose of education\approach\circumstance of family
Do  fortune of society is decided by socialization of children?It is positive,in fact,and what is socialization mean?It is a process by which people,especially children, are made to their behaviors in a way which is acceptable in their culture and society.This process indicate that the society determine the general character of children,meanwhile,the individual of children orient the society to thrive or survive.
Initially, the general character of children is determined by society.The methods and patterns,what children deal with others in the community,cooperate with others in the team and communicate with the others in the classroom,are decided by whole society.Children,who hold these skills,will be more effective and efficient,when they get along with people.For instance,On the other hand,
Subsequently,individual of children affect the development of society.Children sharped the individual in the process of socialization.  
That is to say,the socialization indicate that the behaviors,from children,lead the society to thrive or not.
The socialization of children is so important that it is not enough that depend on school,and  parents should involve in.
Initially, socialization of children is treading on,by school,systematized education. Children tread on the school which tender the knowledge that include the value and culture as well as standard come from  society,it presents a conception what is innocence and criminality,virtue and corruption,good and evil.In the group which children place,they act as the way which they learned  by communicating with others friendly and effective so that social cohesion of children is boosted.Systematized education not only make the progress in their mind,but also support the success in their life.Knowledge that children learn the nature science and humanity from school contribute to analyze the problems which  
parents provide their children with a new perspectives on the society ,
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