TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:common sense
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing a game is fun only when you win. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你平常最喜欢玩什么游戏?在这个游戏里,如果输了,你是不是觉得游戏不好玩了?
回答: football。
2. 在游戏中失败了,你会不会有收获?如果有,是什么?
回答: technique
3. 你觉得除了输赢,游戏还有什么吸引你的地方?
回答: 团队
Play games can bring people entertaining, so we are addictive to them. As well as training body, competitive sports also teach us about life. They let us find ourselves, trust in troop strength and win or lose gracefully.
As a good player,one should identify where his strengths lie because each sports have their own specialties. To win in badminton, for example, technique and tactics are depicted as the dominant reasons in about 60% of the example.So a player with great physical ability should take more time training the technique.It is the same to our life.Students and employees must take order with missions, mental exercise and relaxing reasonably.
Many popular spots involve a group of people, ranging from two people to twenty people  working together as a team. Team sports are full of challenges and obstacles that a team must overcome together. Similarly,to work out a project well,teamwork is more important than individual skill. Everyone should share one's work and cooperate with each other like it does in symphony.
Finally,sports games teach us to be proud and unbending in honest failure,but humble and gentle in success.In sport etiquette,it would be incredibly awkward to throw a tantrum or cyy if one lose a game. Likewise if one wins a game and gloats excessively in the face of their adversary, it is equally looked down upon. The same goes in life. One must learn the subtleties of defeat and victory and learn to minimize their outward emotions.
In conclusion, I hold a view that sports game can bring people wisdom of life and entertaining.

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