GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:yynlisa
Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE94"Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated"。题目讨论大学生学习范围的问题,题目认为应当要求学生学习本专业以外的其他课程。在分析的过程中,可以从本专业学科和其他学科知识对学生的生活学习和工作的正负面影响、不同知识之间的相互作用、教育培养学生的目标和需求、不同领域不同环境下分情况讨论等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举你的专业课程,以及你选择的非本专业领域的其他课程,并分析这些可课程对你的意义。
回答: 我的专业是材料科学与工程,通过两年的学习,我对材料产生了一定的兴趣,他可以将不同的物质组合在一起产生神奇的效果。所以对于我而言,材料是我以后要从事的领域来不断的探索它。它既是我以后生活中依赖的物质来源,更是我施展理想的地方。在学习专业课之余,我还学习跆拳道、音乐欣赏、中国传统文化、欧美文化入门等,跆拳道可以起到强身健体的作用,让我在繁忙的功课之余保持身体的强壮,音乐欣赏可以提高我对音乐的理解力,从而提高我的感性思维,使我对周边的人和事有更敏锐的洞察力,而中国传统文化与欧美文化入门能让我了解到东西方文化的不同,丰富了我的知识面。
2. 从大学生现在以及以后的学习、工作、生活的各种需求来看,哪些能力或者知识是他们需要具备的?这些知识和能力需要通过怎样的教育形式来获得?
回答: 从社会的需求上来看,大学生需要1、良好的表达能力,交流思想、讨论工作、阐述观点、制定计划、起草文件、总结工作都需要较强的表达能力;2、实际操作能力,学生既要讲出科学道理来,又要动手做出样子来,一个人的动手能力直接影响到他能量的发挥;3、主动适应社会的能力,社会的纷繁复杂和生活环境的不断变化,要求一个人必须具有主动适应环境的能力,只有主动的适应周围环境,才能在社会上站稳脚;4、开拓创新的能力,21世纪是个崇尚创新的时代,而创新的时代需要创新型人才;5、正确有效的人际交往能力,步入社会后,由于工作的原因会与各种各样的人交往,能否正确的处理生活中的人际关系会影响到其适应环境的能力和工作效率,在交往中应该坚守诚实守信、以诚相待、遵守承诺、灵活对待的原则;6、组织管理能力。首先学校可以组织各种各样的社会活动和比赛,学生通过这些活动可以锻炼组织能力、与他人的交流能力、实际操作能力。而对于一些理工科学生,组织一些科技创新竞赛可以激发他们的创新意识培养创新能力。
3. 仅学习自己专业领域的课程对大学生来说是否足够?如果是,请说明理由;如果不是,这样的行为对大学生的发展有哪些局限性?
回答: 不是。鲁迅先生曾说过:“大可看看各种各样的书,及时与本专业不相干也要泛览”。如果只学习本专业的课程首先在生活上会有很多麻烦,比如举世瞩目的大物理学家爱因斯坦虽然到达了科学的巅峰,然而在他出门时却往往找不到回家的路,很多学生只关心他所学的内容,而在生活上却很随意,所以我们经常可以听到这样的新闻,某某高材生上了大学后生活不能自理,甚至还不会系鞋带。其次在知识上不能融会贯通,由于缺乏各个学科上相互沟通、相互交融、相互渗透,而当今的创新点正式出现在不同领域、不同思想、不同学科的相互交叉综合的地方,那么学生就会很难提出关于本专业的创新课题,比如在材料领域,不仅仅需要学习金属、陶瓷、高分子有关知识,由于生物材料、具有光磁性能的功能材料的出现,还需要了解物理、生物有关知识。还有随着中国市场经济的发展,跨行业跨领域的人才流动日益频繁,再看美国,美国人一生中需要变换7、8次工作,如果只擅长本专业的内容的话,就不能很好地适应社会的变动,例如香港的游戏公司“橘子”,以天堂在港澳台大卖而起家,但本身只专注游戏方面的人才,而忽略了市场销售以及对不同区域玩家所好不理解,于是天堂在美国大败而归。
4. 自己专业领域外的其他课程可以带给大学生哪些影响?(可从正面影响、负面影响以及直接和间接影响来考虑)
5. 社会如何定义“人才”的标准?大学教育应该如何设置课程才能更好地培养“人才”?请举例说明。
I support the idea that universities should require every students to take a variety of courses outside the students's fields of study.As a saying  says never too old to learn,everyone should learn some new things endlessly to ajust to the changing wold in his whole life.So the saying is applicable to students in universities as well. It would limit the student's development if the student only works on his field of study.Besides,the course outside the student's field of study can bring meaningful effect and develop many neccessary abilities.
I admit that for majority their fields of study can help them find a job and make a living,but the courses outside the field of study can bring significance as much as the field of study can.I am a student in a university in China and I major the egineering of material.Even though I am interested in my major,I am aslo inclined to study some courses outside my field,such as Taekwondo,music,western and eastern culture and so on.I think these courses are very useful and meaningful.I can exercise every week in the class of Taekwondo,enjoy myself in music class,enrich my knowledge in the class of culture.Thus I am able to relieve myself from heavy study and keep energetic all the time.
There are some abilities that the students should be trained in university,and they can not learn them well in university,let alone obtain them in their field of study.One important thing is communication.In China, many universities open a elective class called Speech And Eloquence,and the course are very popular with students.Many students have made great prograss.The second thing is the ability of orgnization.Students can develop the ability through some community activities.The third thing is creativity.China are lack of innovation talents because the teaching way are so strict and rigid that inhibits the students' creativities.Students can take part in various competition outside their field of study to inspire them.We can conclude that most  abilities cannot be obtained in the student's field of study.
The greatest Chinese writer named LuXun once said that large varieties book should be taken a look,even if irrelevant to the profession.If a students only study his field,there would be negative effect.An American change jobs 7 or 8 times on average in a year according to data.A person who are informed have more choice to choose than the one that are narrow in knowledge.That is,the latter may be faced with unemployment.Sometimes,it may have a serious consequence.For example,game company in Hongkong,"Orange",the game itself only focus on professional talents,while ignoring marketing sales as well as the interest of players in defferent areas,so Heaven defeated and come back in United State.Therefore,it is important to take some courses outside the field of study.
However,someone say that it would decrease the time of studying the student's field for taking a great number of other courses.There are indeed some bad cases about this.I attribute it to time planning.If we make a good plan and practise effectively,and choose the apropriate quantity of courses,the problem can be solved.
In a word,the advantages of taking courses outside the student's field of study is greater than disadvantages.It is so meaningful and important for a student that more and more people pay attention to it.And many leaders of company aslo claim that students gratuated from collage have a poor knowledge and ability,so they have to train them.Therefore,universities should require every students to take a variaty of course outside the student's field of study.
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