TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lizexi
【IBT机经-17】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent knowledge for a job.
题目讨论的是哪种能力对于工作来说更重要,写作的关键在于分析这两个不同能力的特点和作用是什么, 写作的难点是找出实际生活中相对应的工作。
1. 一个新环境往往具备哪些特点?人们适应一个新环境的过程往往是怎样的?这个适应过程是只有少数人具备的吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 一个新环境是陌生和复杂的。适应过程是一开始很不适,觉得害怕担忧,然后是慢慢觉得舒服,最后完全适应之后就如鱼得水。不是只有少数人具备,大多数进入陌生环境的人都有一个类似的适应过程。比如一个原来是教英语的老师转行去做了记者。他一开始肯定很不适应记者经常出差工作方式和早出晚归的工作时间,大约一个月之后,他对此有些习惯了,觉得这样也挺好的。等到半年左右的时间,他完全适应了这份工作,已经可以在接到出差工作时不心烦且及时完成工作任务啦。
2. 专业知识的重要作用是什么?它能够帮助我们做好哪些事情?请结合实际简述。
回答: 专业知识的重要作用是帮助完成工作。韩愈有句话,术业有专攻。不同的行业有不同的对于知识的需要。专业的知识可以帮助我们高效准确得完成工作。比如作记者,专业知识就是要学过传播学的理论和时间,写稿的方式方法,采访的要点,提问的方式等等。
3. 什么样的工作要求我们适应环境的能力更强些,为什么?这些工作有什么样的特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: 条件比较艰苦,人事比较复杂的工作要求适应能力强。因为人们普遍都对好的工作条件适应得比较快,简单的人事关系比较容易介入。比如像记者这样需要总出差的工作和行政人员这样需要处理比较复杂的人事关系的工作比较需要适应能力。
4. 什么样的工作需要我们具备出色的专业知识?专业知识是如何帮助我们做好这些工作的呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 一些专业性比较强的工作需要我们的具备出色的专业知识。比如律师,医生。律师熟悉法律条文才能为客人在法庭上辩护,医生熟悉医学知识才能给病人看病开药打针甚至做手术。
5. 干好一份工作需要哪些方面的能力?上述两种能力以外,其他方面的能力对于工作起到什么重要的影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 干好一份工作除了需要有对环境的较强的适应能力和专业知识之外,还需要敬业的精神和认真的态度和随和的性格。一件工作可能需要反复修改需要跟人沟通可能时间很紧,有耐心仔细沟通才能很好地把工作完成。
A new environment is strange and complicated. The process of the adaptation is that people feel afraid and anxious at first, and then comfortable and very joyous when finally get used to it. Not just limited number people have this adaptive process, most of the people have similar procedure. Tough conditions and human relations complex need higher ability of adaptation. Because cosy conditions and simple connections are easy to deal with and have no requirement to adapt. For example, as a  new journalist, you must are not accustomed to the working usually be on business trip, the working time without regularity and the complex connection with cameraman, editor and colleagues. About one month later, you will get little used to it. And after nearly half a year, you may totally  adapt them as happy to accept the lots of business trip demands , finishing the working duty on time even work 20 hours a day and having good relationships with others.
The impact of the excellent knowledge is to help to finish the work. An old saying have said that industry specializing in surgery. Different industries have different requests for specific knowledge. Especially some strong professional job such as doctor need excellent knowledge. When a patient come to a hospital,the doctor need to be familiar with medical knowledge ,diagnose the problem and prescribe the medication or give or take an injection. If the doctor is not professional enough, he may misdiagnose the patient and that may lead to a terrible consequence.
To do a job very well is not easy, apart from the ability to adapt a new environment and excellent knowledge ,you also need the spirit of commitment , serious attitude and pleasant company. A piece of work may need iterative changes , discuss problem with others and always finish in limited time. People with patience who can communicate with colleges clearly have the capability to finish the work well.
In conclusion, I do not think  The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent knowledge for a job.I believe they are equally important.

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