TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:吴昭昭
【IBT机经-5】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.
1. 把家人照看好需要哪些条件?需要做些什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 1,外在物质条件:衣食住行,医疗,精神生活。首先要保障有方便的上场菜市可供购买生活必须品;其次住房的条件要好,保障感觉安全,有充足的能源供应;再次,出行是否方便;附近是否能够提供很好的医疗保障;最后是否能够满足家人的精神生活需求,比如有没有社区活动,有没有老人活动中心,有没有图书馆,健身中心,电影院,音乐厅。2,给予家人爱与关心
2. 照看家人的好坏程度是否和居住地有必然联系,为什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有联系,因为居住地的条件会直接决定物质条件
3. 如果二者有联系,是不是居住在城市里的人对家人的照顾就不如那些住在乡村的人呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 不是。因为首先城市在满足物质需要方面做得更好,拿自己居住的小区为例,配备了良好的安保设施,附近就有大商场可以购物,吃饭。如果有紧急事件发生,警察和救护车可以在最短的时间内提供帮助。其次社区有公共体育场图书馆,戏院等,可以最大程度地丰富家人的生活。另一方面,精神上的陪伴是给家人提供的重要保障之一。
4. 城里人哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 生活特点:快节奏,便利,工作压力大,生活成本高,并且城市人口众多,环境资源比较紧张。便利是城市最大优点,在这一点上我们可以给家人最好的照顾。工作压力太大有时候会分散我们的注意力,忽视家人
5. 住在乡村的人有哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 生活节奏相对较慢,人口密度小,生活较单一。生活节奏慢我们有更多时间陪家人,但是公共设施不齐全可能在物质上阻碍对家人的照顾,比如生病了需要去较远的地方就医,有时会延误病情,对孩子来说,乡下的教育条件可能相对较差,对孩子未来的发展不利。
When talking about the differences between urban and rural life nowadays, we often take the advantage of taking good care of our family to support our opinions.Besides, cities have been criticized by its rapid development comparing to countries where we can provide better care for our families.However,as far as I am concerned,countries serve no superior to cities in terms of taking care of our families.
In the first place,countries can provide public services no better than cities do,no wonder it cannot give our love ones sufficient material support. One may look at the medical care that a village can bare to offer.It is often the case that across the large countryside there is only one small hospital in town center, and in the situation of emergency,ambulance comes a long way across the land to reach the vary patient who might be in danger.Hence, imaging the last thing we would like to happen to our family, not any one of us could say that we take good care of our love ones.
Another instance is that the education in rural places is one more thing to worry.Cases are numerous that people move to big cities only to make sure that their children could receive better education. Not to mention cozy and elaborately designed libraries with best modern equipment and resources located in metropolis.My best friend is one of those kids who in her early age sent by parents from remote countryside to Chengdu, capital of southwest China, only for better education.
In the second place, mental needs are essential to humans as well. That is to say, we would better provide our families chances to enjoy life. As according to Maslow,the famous psychologist, after the fulfilling of more basic needs, say, physiological need, we should move to higher level of life, among which is the need of aesthetics.In this sense,countries cannot be equal to cities to offer diversified activities of arts such as concert, exhibitions and operas.
Last but not the least,it is not what food and cloths we can buy for our family or what concert we can take them to that count, whereas the most important thing is whether we can give them comfort  when they are upset
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