TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Hleb
【IBT机经-5】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.
1. 把家人照看好需要哪些条件?需要做些什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 时间,精力,体力。心理上的安慰和陪伴和身体上的照顾。比如说在家人感到孤单的时候要陪伴,生病的时候要照顾彼此支持。
2. 照看家人的好坏程度是否和居住地有必然联系,为什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有。医疗条件,工作性质。医疗条件不好的话如果生病的话就不能及时得到救治,加重病情。如果在城市的话,工作繁忙的话照看家人的时间就会减少。
3. 如果二者有联系,是不是居住在城市里的人对家人的照顾就不如那些住在乡村的人呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有。也不一定。在城市里面医疗资源更加丰富,生活条件也更好。如果发生紧急情况的话可以得到最好的救助。在乡村的话则没有这么便利。
4. 城里人哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 节奏快。++有更好的生活条件 --时间不够。工作繁忙
5. 住在乡村的人有哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 节奏慢。++有更多的时间 --医疗条件。突发紧急情况
As wealth increased,more and more people live in urban area to take care their family. I believe people who live in urban areas can take better care of their families.
Taking better care of your family require such factors such as money, time, energy and love. Each factor can affect the sense of happiness of a family. When you spend a lot of time with your family, it will definitely increase your bond with them. You will aware what your family members need most and you can communicate with them, What's more, it also take you a lot of energy to get alone with your family. A good family member is willing to spend time and energy with their family.Besides you need money to take better care of your family. High quality of life depends on a well finacial fundamental.Earning more money has more effect on having a ease life than earn less money. The most important is should take all your heart to accompany with your family.
Living in rurals can let your family have a peace environment to rest because there are fewer people in rural areas than urban areas. Moreover the slower pace of life enable you spend more time with your family that is not likely when people live in urban areas can do, because people who live in urban areas are often have a quicker pace of life, they need to work and deal with so many kinds of relationships with their boss, co-workers,etc.Thus they may neglect their family in some degree .Although living in rural areas can take better care of your family in some degree, living in urban areas behaves more like giving their family better life than living in rural areas.
While there are many advantages that can take better of your family in urban areas. In city, you have more choice to relax with your family. You can go to see a movie or go to a park in your free time. These movement also enable you to keep a tense relationship with your family. Some people might say that living in city sometimes make your family feel lonely. However, feeling lonely and helpless in city is a far greater risk to your family than it is of potential use in avoiding illness. You can receive better treatment when your family get sick. It's the great advantage that doesn't apply in rural areas.
Living in rural areas is as good as we might suppose, however, when you meet some emergencey situation living in urban areas can support you more. All in all, I agree that people who live in urban areas can take better of their families.
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