TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:precious
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
1. 你几岁开始上学的?那时候学校有开设外语课程吗?
回答: at 6-year-old, at that time , our school didn't teach foreign language
2. 现在的孩子都较早地学习外语,你觉得他们跟你当时同年龄的时候有什么不同?
回答: they can contact with different country culture because of learning english
3. 孩子一上学就学外语有什么好处和坏处?
回答: advantage: they can absorb foreign language easily disadvantage: ignore study mother tongue and learning foreign language would interfere the ability to the cognitive the mother-tongue
4. 孩子什么时候学习外语是最佳时期?
回答: at age of 2 or 3
5. 现在国家对孩子幼年外语教育是怎样的?
回答: by teaching their speaking english ability and play games to learning english
with the rapidly economy developed, competition become strikingly fierce. Grasping one foreign language may put us a favorable position in the future jobs market.From my point of view, children should begin learning foreign language as soon as they start school.To begin with,  learning foreign language while they start school can make them possess solid foundation than other people who does not .With they growing, that may create many opportunities for children to communicate with foreigners. It also help children enjoy the exotic culture to enlarge their vision. For example, my sister who learning english as her young age. And now, she can speak english frequently and communicate with foreigners easily. Learning english not only teaches her language skills, but also let her know more about other culture.Second, learning foreign language at children's young age can also develop their interest. We always make friend with somebody because we have in common with something, the same interest will let children make more friends. For instance, my nephew, he love singing during learning english, and then he contract with other children for singing.This makes he‘s life more colorful and and enrich his life experience.However, some children learning over early bring our several problems. The most important is that would interfere the ability to the cognitive  the mother-tongue.  my neighbor's children , a very cute boy, starting learning foreign language about 2 years old, but now,three years has passed, there is some problem about chinese that lead to he  has difficult in communicating with others.All in all, children  learn foreign language as soon as they start school can bring out benefits on their school life, like more friends and more interest.
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