TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:vickyking
【IBT机经-20】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in your company's office.
1. 自己的家有什么特点?家会给你带来什么样的感觉?请结合实际简述。
回答: at home usually make people feel comfortable and relax. with a cup of tea, and my favorate music, i usually feel happy.
2. 办公室的功能是什么,它有什么特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: Office is usually used for regular work, mostly with tension.
3. 有人说在家工作很自由很舒服,你是怎么看待这种说法的,为什么?
回答: Some people said it is quite feel and enjoyable to work at home, well i think for some work need inspiration, such as advertise creative or fashion design, it would be a good idea to work at home, because with a relax and comfortable circumstances, people would be able to be more creative. And for the other people, maybe working at home would result in a sloppy status. That's because with so many enjoyable and delightful things at home, it would be a punishment to restrain From them. for example, during the sport game season, it is quite difficult to stop me watching TV if i do not have to work.
4. 也有人说办公室的工作环境可以提高人们的工作效率,而在家工作会很散漫,你同意吗,为什么?
回答: mostly i agree with this. make people focus on the work.
5. 如果让你选择的话,工作的时候你是追求效率还是追求舒适度?请结合实际简述你的观点。
回答: most of the time, i would prefer to make a balance between the two. since my office is usually quite noise, when i started to focus on a difficult task, i would use the earplug or earphone with my favoriate music. in this case, i could be quite efficient to finish my work comfortably.
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