GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:zy_123
The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.
1. 你印象中的重大历史事件有哪些?这些事件中有哪些人给你的印象特别深刻?他们都起到了怎样的作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 太空登月,是人类科技发展的重大突破。
2. 历史研究是否过度强调个人的作用?如果是,是什么原因导致的?会有什么后果?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 因为这个个人过于个性化,每个人都有非常多的侧面,很吸引人,同时也很难研究。
3. forgotten groups是否直接或者间接参与了创造历史的进程?如果forgotten groups参与了创造历史的进程,那么对于这些事关历史进程中的重大事件,在哪些方面他们的贡献比较突出?贡献程度如何?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 直接影响很突出。集体在一些比如改革,或者集体建造活动中影响最大。
4. Famous few对历史有哪些直接或者间接的影响?他们对于这些事关历史进程中的重大事件,在哪些方面他们的贡献比较突出?贡献程度如何?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 他们在发明创作、艺术、等方面成果最大。以及作伪一些集体的领导
5. forgotten groups和famous few之间的存在着什么关系?
回答: 相互依存和影响的
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 553          TIME: 00:42:24          DATE: 2010-3-9 21:45:33
What should the study of history emphasize has no accurate answer, for individuals and groups are all indispensable and play different roles in the whole historical progress. Only when individuals and groups come together can they make the history progress.(提问:only的使用会不会有太绝对的问题?)
Individuals certainly have their significance. Why those famous individuals in history became famous was because they had some creative ideas or useful values respected by public and they are more likely to create new things in both fields of art or science. Focusing on those individuals, the study of history can acquire the basic criterion of the people at that time and the outstanding achievements made at that time. For example, Napoleon was widely respected by public, thus indicates us the preference of power and strength to personal appearance at that time. Furthermore, some individuals played as leader or forerunner in some past events. They were the representatives elected from the crowds so that the character of them can somehow suggest the character of public. Research towards to those individuals can scientists find out some sharp character of the time and gain information about what behind the trends or events of history.
However, groups can't be overlooked, for they are as crucial as individuals. Though the famous few gain reputation or celebrity in society, groups sometimes are the real energy to the progress of history. History's moving on is not accidental. It requires plenty of efforts and strength and take pains to win.  For example, when human being was taken step to the surface of moon, the public is surprising and exciting. The astronaut was praised, as well as the whole team of the project. There are some experts in fuel, plane, air and space and so on who are important to the project and without any one of them, the rocket would fail to be set off. This event was huge in history for its breakthrough in technology and never would happen without the effort of a whole group. The progress of history is an evolution to revolution that only when crowds of people's gathering their strength can they make great success.
Individuals and groups are work together to make the world moving on. Neither of them can leave the other to make progress. The achievement and effect made by individual or group is different. Individuals usually come up with idea of innovation and originality while groups can help improve an idea and realize most of them. Taking ole Rome and Greece for example, the city owned many famous individuals like Aristotle or Camillus, but one of the most successive achievement the city had make is its architecture, which could not done without groups. As a result, the role of poet and carpenter in old Rome is same significant because they both contribute to the prosperity of society. Furthermore, the work of individuals and groups can impact each other. The paintings of a painter can simulate the imagination of a worker or scientists, simultaneously the achievement of a researching group can provide outstanding equipment supporting the paintings. If history want to make progress, all aspects in the society should make progress thus make requirement to both individual and group making their contribution.
Individuals and groups are same important the trends and events of history. In fact the effect generated in the collision between achievement of individual and group is the power to propel the society forward. Our historian should realize this and make equal concentrating on both of them.
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