GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:天一生水_575
Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.
1. 你所学的学科是什么?这个学科的专业化程度如何?是否有大量不具有该专业知识的人也可以从事相关领域的工作?请举例说明。
回答: 生物 较高 是,交叉学科
2. 描述一个专业化程度很高的学科,这个学科的知识是否被大多数人了解?它对社会的影响和作用是怎样的?这种影响和受众的多少有关系么?
回答: 数学 否 是所有自热科学的基石 对社会科学产生极大影响 法律经济不用讲
3. 描述一个专业化程度不高的学科,这个学科的知识对社会的影响和作用是怎样的?为什么会出现这样程度的影响力和作用?
4. 科学知识对社会和大众的影响力(作用)会受到哪些因素的影响?对每一个因素都要举例说明。
Has the specialization of academic disciplines evolved into such a stage where the audience is too narrow to enable these academic diciplines to be useful?The speaker expresses such a concern .I concede that the dividation of disciplines makes the specialized knowledge arcane to those uninitiated,it is arbitary to rule out the possibility of interdiciplinary research and the potential benefits to those without the relative background.
Admittedly,with the explosion of knowledge,a person's life span is not sufficient to cover even a small proportion in a specific topic of a specific domain.A neuronologist may not understand the most basic part of the work of a molecular biologist even they both investigate the topic relevant to memory.It seems that the diversification of knowledge clearly draws a line of dinstinction between the academic disciplines which inhibit outsiders to make even a tempatative investigation.
However,the situation has changed ever since the development of interdisciplinary fields come into being.Although to aquire a systematic knowledge of a  subject consumpts too much time ,yet to directly apply it to solve some practical problems requires not so much effort. What is more,the discussion between scientists with different backgrounds can precipitate this process and make the field develope with an unprecedented rapid pace.On the other hand, for instance,even a physician knows little biology,say some molecular cell biology,  he will still be able to perform well in theoratical biology which focuses on the physical mechnism that guide the living organism to grow,reproduce ,move and die.In this way, the distinctions between subjects is no longer an obstacle but a new opportunity to create and discover.
Furthermore, academic disciplines can exert an influence on those who may not even have heard about it.Just think it over that how many of us have figured out the mechanism of a television and the fact that  billions of people watch the World Cup in front of it.We eat Gene Modefited foods everyday but few of us will ever investigated into the genetic engineering.Just the time one read this issue, the potentiation and depression of neurons flicks on and off continuously in coordinance with a complex network whose innate mechanism has not been clearly illustrated.Science provide the source of technology and it greatly reshapes our society as a whole.Atom bombs,computers,antibiotics, and so forth.Regardless of their hazards or benefits, they have indeed affected the whole world and have or will be of great use.
In sum,the speaker's conclusion points out part of the present conditions while being still indefensible in that it pays less than enough attention to interdisciplinary research and unfairly rule out the potential effect upon those who do not belong to a qualified audience.
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