GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:tl_300
It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.
1. 当前的社会问题都有什么?有利于子孙后代的长远研究又有什么?请对下面问题按照“当前急需解决的社会问题”和“有利于子孙后代的长远研究”分为两类:人口压力,臭氧空洞,海平面上升,通货膨胀,房价上涨,全球变暖,教育体制、青少年早孕、犯罪、滥用毒品、失学、同性恋权益、枪支泛滥、艾滋病、贫穷、种族主义、男权主义、失业、战争、贫穷,暴力,污染,不公平,压迫人权,歧视,堕胎,宗教信仰
回答: 长期问题 臭氧空洞 海平面上升、全球变暖、污染、男权主义、种族主义、艾滋病、 急需解决的社会问题 失业、贫穷、
2. 如果让你做一笔投资,你会考虑哪些问题来决定是否投资?请举例说明。
回答: 风险、成本、收益 投资建立一个项目,考虑该行业竞争状况、资源、竞争者、消费者、市场供应链、成本、风险、收益、替代竞争者
3. 针对于这两种投资方向,都会有谁受益,会获得哪些方面的利益?预期数量和效果是如何的?请结合具体事例和具体数据简单描述。
回答: 长期:子孙后代、自己 短期:主要是当代人
4. 现在急需解决的问题和对后代有帮助的长期问题是否一定是矛盾的?如果不是,请举例说明会有什么一致的地方。
回答: 不矛盾 解决环境问题在一定程度上可以解决贫困、犯罪等问题 贫困地区刀耕火种对污染很多,解决环境问题也是对贫困地区帮助
5. 如果放任当前现存的社会问题不管,会有什么后果?如果不理会有助于后代的长远研究,又会怎样?
回答: 社会不稳定 对于将来不利
Is it really more important to allocate money for immediate social problems than to spend it on long-term research for future? The speaker claim so. I concede that solving these urgent problems will contribute to reducing the unsteadiness of society. Otherwise, in my perspective, spending on long-term research that help future generations is more important.
Admittedly, we face large amount of immediate social problems, which may cause a disturbance, such as the spread of AIDS, abuse of drugs, poverty and so on. Failing to address these problems will easily immerse the society in chaos and people are in a state of panic. For example, South Africa, where about six million people have HIV, has to face the severe adversary, AIDS.
Aside from the foregoing proviso, however, I fundamentally disagree with the speaker's claim. First of all, these long-term researches that are helpful to future generation are usually relevant to the safety of a country, the social wealth, even the global environment. Although the long-term research results are usually not apparent in a short time, they will usually make a significance influence upon society, the human beings, and even the earth. Global climate change is drawing more and more public concern. Calculations indicate that thermal expansion cannot be the sole factor responsible for the observed rise in sea level over the last 40 years; significant discharges of polar ice must also be occurring. Besides, Indonesia's environment minister announced this year that scientific studies estimate about 2,000 of the country's lush tropical islands could disappear by 2030 due to rising sea levels. These results will severely extend influence on the safety of the island countries and greatly affect the global economic structure. Therefore, we have to carry out these long-term researcher on how to reduce the effect the global climate change.
Secondly, the results of long-term researches may help to stimulate the solving of the immediate social problems. Problems usually have some nature relationship and we should not isolate them from each other. The results of long-term research are some stimulative factors to solve social problems. Many scientists are trying to research how to preserve forests resources, which greatly contribute to global climate. While researching the forests , we have already made effort to solve social problems, for example the spread to epidemic. Today, over 100 pharmaceutical companies and several branches of the US government, including giants like Merck and The National Cancer Institute, are engaged in plant research projects for possible drugs and cures for viruses, infections, cancer, and even AIDS. Consequently, when we invest in the long-term research, we have already endeavored to solve these existing social problems, which are the speaker concern. Besides, these long-term researches that might help future generation not only greatly contribute to our offspring, but benefit the humans in the contemporary time.
I conceded that when the fund is limited, it is entirely appropriate to allocate money for immediate social problems such as assisting these people suffering from the flood, than to spend it on long-term research. Yet , to postpone long-term research funding until we completely eliminate exist social problems amounts to fantasy. For new social problems is always emerging.
If our human beings can not care more about the coming future, we will face much intractable problems such as the severe ecological disasters, the wide spread of epidemics, safety of food and so on. Consequently, I believe spending more on long-term research is a sensible choice. For it benefits both contemporary persons and the future generation.
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