TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:钱琛
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你已经或者曾经是大学生么?简单描述一件在大学生活中给你印象最深刻的事情,并说说它给你带来了什么影响。
回答: 是的,自己报名参加口译考试,没有任何人的参与,靠自己取得了好成绩,培养自主学习的能力
2. 综合你的大学生活,你认为你在大学得到了什么?(知识,经验,爱情……)
回答: 更快更广的知识,纯粹的爱情,自主学习的经验,自己克服困难的勇气和自己摸索方法的过程
3. 你有没有上过大学的朋友?你认为如果他们上大学的话,能得到什么改变?
回答: 有,会有改变,现在她总觉得自己知识太少,没办法走远,现在她在自己做生意,如果她上了大学,她可以认识更多人,她的人生观也会改变,不会觉得生活中有钱就够了
4. 你认为中国的大学教育还存在什么问题?你有什么好的解决方案吗?
回答: 太注重应试教育了,什么都凭一张纸上的成绩来决定,太荒谬了,从小就扼杀了孩子的创造能力,到了大学很快就定下专业方向,应该就广泛学习更方面知识,再成熟的基础上选择出自己最喜欢的专业,高考结束那会,根本对很多专业都是不了解的,盲目选择可能就是终生后悔
    We will never feel strange if we hear someone attend to the college or university. In today's society, most people choose to go to college or university after high school. Actually, they go to the college in order to pursue more knowledge and create chances to get more salary or promotion in the future career. If lucky, college students can also gain a special and pure love.    In college, various courses provide students opportunity to learn more. And knowledge helps students to broaden their horizon and build a correct view of life. For example,through further biology learning, we can view life on molecule level.Learning history helps us to find some similar between past and today so that we can prevent some mistakes which already happened in the past. What is more,college is not only bring us such paper knowledge but also giving us many life experience. We can participate in many activities in college or outside college.   Additionally, in order to catch up with the step of social development, we need more knowledge to adjust to this competitive society. Today, many companies want to hire employees with high education. In certain companies, they use the advanced technology such as robots or some precise instruments. How to use them need not only the skills but also the related background. For example,in Pharmaceuticals,the company use the instrument called LC/MS/MS to do medical analysis, of course the company needs someone majored in some courses at least related to the drug. If one never entered the college, then he will not have the chance to major in some courses, so he lose the chance to enter any company which needs some professionals.     Finally, in a general way, high education always means high salary and more chance to be promoted in the future career. Nowadays, many companies use high salary to attract highly qualified application.  What is more, people with high education often gather together and establish their own business. For example, an IT company i know in Beijing Zhongguancun is set up by a group of young people who are graduating from Qinghua University. Actually, many companies there is set up by those people with high education. So no matter act as an employer or employee, people with high education always have more chance.    In brief, attending college is necessary for a person before he enters society.
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