IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lau_375
Today, the advanced science and technology have made great changes to people's life, but artists such as musicians, painters and writers are still highly valued. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?
1. 你所熟悉的代表性的音乐家,画家,作家有哪些?
回答: Joe HISAISHI musician
2. 他们对你或者身边的人有着怎样的影响力?
回答: The contemporaries of mine grown up accompanied by his music and animations, attaining adventurous imagination, inspiration and happiness.
3. 为什么我们社会需要这类人群,他们给我们带来了什么?
回答: inspiration, happiness, treasure art works and valuable culture.
4. 现代科技能替代这些东西?为什么?
回答: no. modern techneques are vehicles but not substance.
5. 如果没有了这群人,我们的生活会有怎样的变化?
回答: Without artists, alien will our life be to imagination and cultural compositions, and will humans be to spiritual paradise.
Contemporary artists are esteemed consistently, despite the development of science and technology. Benifits may arts have obtained from them, though, it is evidently that science and technology cannot highlight the far-reaching reasons of life as arts do.
There are various senses that exsit merely in artial domain but not in science or technology. The most significant infulence of arts concerning the cultivation how to record and express life. Every gerne of art is a window to view life, for instance, music teach us to utilize ears to capture the fluctuation of voices in order to comprehend the changing in heart. In addtion, considering to the term of reasons arts addressing to people, namely truth, kidness, beaty and love, no distrust will directing to arts whether it provides the same with science. Actually, science arms humans with abilities to survive but not intellegence to live a high-qulity life. Furthermore, taking into account how we grow up, we may have been accompanied by a wide range of arts. Joe HISAISHI, one renowed Japanese musician for example, in whose music and animations the contemporaries of mine had gained, adventurous imagination, inspiration and happiness.
On the other hand, modern techneques are vehicles but not substance. They furnish human beings with knowledge to optimize lives, and with spare time to approch to arts. A new intrument invented, we could appreciate fresh sounds of music, while the rhythms might be the same as before.
In summary, arts afford us inspiration, happiness, treasure art works and valuable culture, all that is nowhere to be found in science and techonology. Without artists, alien would our life be to imagination and cultural compositions, and would humans be to spiritual paradise.
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