IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lau_375
Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.
1. 你见过的旅游景点有没有商业气息很浓的?举例说一下。
回答: the majority wedding ceremonies can become businesses in minority districts in Guangxi, China.
2. 造成这种现象的原因有哪些?
回答: There is curiousity of tourists toward ethnic customs, and disire of local inhabitants to profit.
3. 你认为保留良好传统的途径有哪些?
回答: Several methods to reserve traditions existed, for instance, holding the cultural competetions among different ethics nearby, organizing activities for the collections of a particular area, and establishing local agencies to protect customs.
4. 传统文化对旅游业的发展有什么作用?
回答: with the colourful substances and unique cumstoms, traditional culture attracts the visitors and thus stimulates the booming of tourism.
The majority of tourism today is connected with business, which makes some people concern over the reservation of cultural traditions. A way to save traditions though, commercial ues is actually not the only way to avoid destruction.
There is curiousity of tourists toward ethnic customs, and desire of local inhabitants to profit, as a consequence, increasing numbers of places to visit  are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. For instance, wedding ceremonies can become businesses in minority districts in Guangxi, China. With the colourful substances and unique cumstoms, traditional culture attracts the visitors and thus stimulates the booming of tourism. Essentially,  it is a method benefits for both tourists and local residents, only if the businesses in attractions are propelled appropriately.
However,  things did not go as predicted while local gorverments pushed too hard on visitors and received the contrary. That makes people consider new favourable ways to help protecting the cultural traditions as well as the treasure relics. Several methods to reserve traditions existed, for instance, holding the cultural competetions among different ethics nearby, organizing activities for the collections of a particular area, and establishing local agencies to protect customs. Take the collections for example, books containing the history and contemporary achievements are accessible for tourists, making it a valuable stimulation for tourism and a significant encouragement for inhabitants to extend their culture.
Taking into account the combination of tourism and business, better it is for  local governments to finite the exceed chase for profits and devote more on spiritual development. The best way to reserve the cultural traditions is to utilize them as the way should be among local people, but not only an experience for visitors. Through the booming of culture, a glorious prospect of tourism is around the corner.
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